Thoughts on short 20-30 minute workouts 6 days a week?


New member
I used to not see the point doing a short workout. Due to time limitations I am thinking about starting a 6 day a week routine, keeping it between 20-30 minutes a day so I can stay consistent. Mainly focused on compound lifts. I wrote this routine based on what I have in my home gym. Accessories I’ll probably change based on my mood. Anyone have anything they would do differently?

Day 1

Squats 3x5
Barbell curls 3 x 7-10
Lat pull down 3 x 7-10

Day 2

Bench press 3x5
Dumbbell flyes 3 x 7-10

Day 3

Deadlift 3x5
Cable pressdown 3x 7-10

Day 4

Barbell row 3x5
Landmine row 3 x 7-10
Lateral raise 3 x 7-10

Day 5

Front Squat 3x5
Hammer curls 3 x 7-10
Incline dumbbell press 3 x 7-10

Day 6

Shoulder press 3x5
Pull ups 3xAmrap
Superset w/
Dips 3 x 7-10
@3eyeswideopen That’s way better than doing nothing my man. If it were me though I’d just do full body 3x week. Strong lifts / starting strength style and walk / jog / cycle / whatever activity you like on the other days


Day 1 - squats - over head press - deadlift
Day 2 - cycle
Day 3 - Squats - dips - pull ups
And repeat

Run linear progression with this and you’d become a beast!
@nicolas19 I do agree with you on the two days he has 2 lifts. Should be 3 or 4 in 30 minutes.
However, most days he has compound lifts (according to his routine) that'll take at least 12 minutes maybe close to 15. If you are benching, deadlifting and/or squatting and resting less than 90 seconds you are halfway between pushing hard weight wise and doing a circuit which is more cardio.
@3eyeswideopen I’ve found that 20-35min 6 days a week has yielded greater results than 90 min 4 times a week.

Tips for time management;

Antagonistic supersets (ie bench-pull-up)

Bulk of your work should be heavy compounds.

Maybe one triple-dropset of Bi’s or tri’s at the end… they’re not your focus.
@greyknight here is wed & here is thurs this week

I lift KBs focused on Girevoy Sport events or practices to get me better for my events (non-training camp) 4 days/week and 2 burpee & row/ski sessions. I'll add in carry's these days too.
@3eyeswideopen There’s plenty of ways to skin this cat. There’s some things I’d do differently under these constraints but nothing material. My main comments would be:
  1. Can you train 3x a week for an hour? That would be my preference.
  2. I’d put curls after lat pull downs and incline DB press.
  3. I might toss in one more tricep iso movement
@dawn16 I’ve been on a 3-4 day a week 1 hour routine, but it keeps getting cut short, or if I know I can’t finish my full workout I won’t workout. Consistency is really important to me mentally. If I miss a workout or 2 it’s much harder to get back to it.