@fender75 The main point isn't recovery, but rather how long the post-workout muscle growth process lasts (MPS spike). Research shows that it lasts 48-72 hrs on average, and if you split it into training levels, it shows it lasts 72+ hrs for beginners, 48-72 hrs for intermediates, and
~24 hrs for the advanced. When you do more volume in a single session, you stimulate growth for longer, however, the difference isn't that big, as the fitness/fatigue model and the inverted U shaped curve of diminishing returns show.
So imagine this comparison:
Twin A, advanced lifter, PPL 6x:
- Mon: hits chest. The growing process begins.
- Tue: chest stops growing. The recovery process continues.
- Wed: chest is now just recovering.
- Thu: hits chest. The growing process begins.
- Fri: chest stops growing. The recovery process continues.
- Sat: chest is now just recovering.
- Sun: chest is now just recovering.
Twin B, advanced lifter, PPL 3x:
- Mon: hits chest. The growing process begins.
- Tue: chest stops growing. The recovery process continues.
- Wed: chest is now just recovering.
- Thu: chest now is recovered enough to produce another overload, but is just doing a whole lot of nothing.
- Fri: chest now is recovered enough to produce another overload, but is just doing a whole lot of nothing.
- Sat: chest now is recovered enough to produce another overload, but is just doing a whole lot of nothing.
- Sun: chest now is recovered enough to produce another overload, but is just doing a whole lot of nothing.