Time for unscheduled rest days


New member
During AMRAP top set (flat barbell bench) my wrist kind of gave out. The bar rolled backwards over my thumb (bending it backwards) and fell out of my hand. My whole hand folded but my thumb got the worst of it.

After a few minutes the pain was mostly gone so like any idiot I deloaded to about 75% of what was on the bar. As soon as I unracked I knew this workout was over.

I have full range of motion in thumb, but certain wrist angles are painful (pain goes from wrist bone up to start of pinky) and pinky half of hand has dull throbbing. I am going to R.I.C.E. It and hopefully be back in about a weeks time.

Never had this happen before. Now I’m wondering if this will forever be a concern. Any one with experience on this care to chime in?
@limit Sounds like you hyper extended your thumb, and it popped back into place. Your plan to rest it for a week sounds about right. Might need more time -- just let it heal up good.

I don't know a lot about preventing that particular issue going forward, other than maybe incorporating some focused grip strength exercises.