Timing workouts w job

Edit: apologies.. This post was unclear. The issue isn’t finding time to workout, but maintaining focus at work when I have a parallel exercise routine.

For those working out, has fatigue from your workouts distracted you during the work day? How do you deal with it?

Do you modify your workout based on your workload?

How do you time your workouts with a demanding office job?

Im an attorney and when I have demanding deadlines/heavy workload it’s hard for me to keep a regular routine.

Endurance workouts make me feel good (endorphins) but also make it extremely hard to focus at work after. Usually if I’m killing the workout game, I’m not 100% there at work and vice versa.

I’ve tried tapering down the workouts (20 min spin versus 45 min, etc) but it’s not the same.

Thanks Reddit
@searchingforfaith8709 Also an attorney here. Recognize that life and responsibilities ebb and flow. It’s ok to just punch the clock workout-wise when you’re busy at work. The important thing is to do SOMETHING and maintain momentum.
@dawn16 This completely.

Have a flexible plan that means you get what’s important done earlier in the week so you aren’t leaving the big stuff if you run out of time
@masayou152 ^ This 100%! I started working out in the morning in high school, and now many years later I still do it. If I do not workout in the morning, I simply do not work out that day.

Waking up that early never gets easy, but once you get the workout in, you have the REST of the day to do whatever it is you want. Talk about an endorphin rush!

Give it a try, and really try to make it a routine. I am up at 4:30 AM everyday getting ready for the gym. It has truly changed my life.
@masayou152 I do the same. 4:30 though for me. Get my workout done, then hit my coffee and read email. I work from home though so I have no time wasted on commute. I tend to be too burned out for a workout in the afternoon
@searchingforfaith8709 I have been going M-F every day for the last year I would say. Before that it was just MWF. It takes a while to get used to. Set out all your clothes, water, gym bag etc the night before. I even sometimes sleep in my gym shorts to make it that much easier to get ready. Some days are harder than others for sure!
@masayou152 How do you maintain that schedule? In my 20's, I was more than excited to get up around 4 am, catch a bus, work out, go to work, then catch a bus back to the gym after work. Now that I'm close to 40, I can hardly get out of bed before 7am . Do you rely on anything? Coffee?
@angelsookdeo I am a full time high school teacher with 8 year old twins and a 2 year old. Life is pretty chaotic at times. My schedule looks like this:

4:30 wake up, pre workout drink
5:00 at the gym till 6:15
6:30 shower and get ready
6:50 kids up breakfast etc.
7:15 leave for work drop of kid at pre school
8:00 at work
3:30 leave work help kids with homework make dinner
5:30 dinner
6:30 older boys soccer practice
8:00 home from practice kids showers
8:30 Shower and get ready for bed watch a little TV with the wife
9:00 bed time

Repeat every work day. And yea, I consume a lot of caffeine. I'm 35.
@searchingforfaith8709 Pick a time and treat it as sacred. Schedule it like an appointment. I understand that work comes first, but fitness and nutrition will make you more efficiently. I work out at lunch. If you schedule 3x lunch workouts then fit in one on the weekend—frequency might work if a standard schedule doesn’t.
@porpoise Yeah Ill eat a huge meal after. Example, i just did a lunchtime workout today, 30 min cardio and some plyometrics nothing crazy. Now post shower and lunch im SO SLEEPY. I feel good, but im just relaxed and tired.
@searchingforfaith8709 Workout at 5 am (or opening hour) and avoid the traffic. I share the gym with 10 other people, max, as opposed to 30+ in the evening. There’s no rush and I don’t eye workout stations once it opens up - every morning is a killer smooth workout. I get to work full of energy, no tired moments, and the day seems brighter as opposed to skipping the gym in the morning. The only downside is that I’m in bed around 9 pm and it screws with social time on the weekends. Usually another drink wakes me up and keeps me going lol.

I lift M-F, 75 minutes total with abs included, and an additional 20 minutes post-lift cardio session (incline speed walk) 3x a week.
@searchingforfaith8709 A good trick here, OP, is to strategically consume carbs around a workout. So in the morning- something like meat and nuts (which will improve your focus and drive throughout the day by offering the compounds to better regulate acetylcholine and dopamine responses). Then, consume carbs like whole grains, fruit, etc aiming for a bit after or before the workout.

If you work out first thing, spike your carbs more in the morning, then taper off the day with more fat based meals.

That may be able to help a bit more with focus. Established routine is the best way to stay on track, but sometimes schedules make that hard. Macro timing can help assist with optimal focus and performance.

My workouts are more muscle building and strength based, about an hour a day 5 days a week. Very do-able with only an hour - but that's just my jam. I save weekends for mountain climbing and hiking which help with maintaining cardio endurance. Regardless, even on rest days, allocate a good hour a day towards something that makes you sweat.

Often times with working professionals there is a tendency to over think a routine, or over complicate it. If you find yourself in that position just focus on going to work - pick something and stick wjth it without overthinking it.

In ancient Greece they used to divide a workout into 4 components. Stretching and light activity, planning over water or drink, executing a rigorous workout, and then a fourth component of winding down and resting. I think this is a great way to do it, and it may help get you into the zone.