Timing workouts w job

@johnnyjones729 This is great advice. I usually workout in the am on an empty stomach and just eat as I get hungry after. I learned later to not wait but eating the right things would def make sense. I realize the fog i get is not unlike what I experience when cutting carbs.
@searchingforfaith8709 Oh goodness, yeah I would definitely eat beforehand. It is true there are some weight loss benefits with working out fasted, but it is terrible for focus and performance. You can get far better long termed weight loss habits established through proper eating throughout the day. I'm personally quite a firm believer in breakfasts, but I suppose it really depends on what your goals are.

Also make sure to really curb back screen time about an hour before bed. That will help a great deal with recovery.
@searchingforfaith8709 I work in construction, yes im tired some times. But I mostly just eat more to recover faster and grit your teeth. Some times you just gotta man up and get it done. Everyone’s for an excuse, but you have to find a way to make it work. My day as an example

Leave for work at 5am 45 min drive to work. Work a 10 hour day 6am to 430. I eat all day for energy, with a big lunch. Get home let the dogs out, kiss the wife down a protein shake is 30-40g of protein, oats for carbs, peanut butter, and ovaltine for taste. With this i eat either some tuna or chicken patties, take a shower and I’m at the gym within about 30 mins, ready for a good 2 hour training session. Not to kill myself for work I find I can recover from a max of 4 gym days a week. But at 36 I don’t need more than that I’m at a point in my lifting journey 4 - 2 hour sessions are more than enough. I do more of a power builder routine. Kinda works out like this, first hours built around a heavy compound. Second is all around high rep bodybuilding accessory work for that lift.


Monday - bench then accessories
Wednesday - Squat quad accessories
Friday - deadlift hamstring/back accessories
Saturday - open day, go by feel, more often than not a bench variation such as boards, chains, slingshots, floor, close grip.
@dawn16 You kill it and have way more discipline than me, man. Thanks for sharing your routine.

I come home and then I’m donezo. Or it takes me forever to get out the door again.

I guess I need to just suck it up and do it lol.
@searchingforfaith8709 If I lay down and sit down once I’m home I’m done lol the trick is to not let yourself slow down. I’m also training 5 of my apprentices at the gym and one of my
Fellow journeyman’s sons for football so they keep me motivated also. Have you had any luck finding a group or training partner?