I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”

@slreed You’d be surprised. God forbid i actually want my athlete to follow rules and not make excuses for bullshit behaviors. You sound like a pleasurable member to work with as well!!! 😉
@dawn16 Haha i used to have a member that would say something like this!!!

Me: hey why don’t you scale down the reps

Athlete: i paid for these reps so I’m going to do them all and get my money’s worth!

Lol still cracks me up to this day.
@devonian I have always struggled with my weight, and I used to do Weight Watchers. This reminds me of my attitude towards that, where I only got so many 'points' worth of food in a day, and would sometimes sneak something unhealthy and think "I just won't count it". Well, how the hell does that help anything!? How will we ever improve if we are cheating ourselves. And that's just it, you are cheating yourself in the end.
@devonian There are athletes in less shape than me who sign up for the Open, and i dont sign up becuase i'm not quite up to hittting hte standards yet, and ive beend in CF for 3 years now.
@devonian "Not going to the games" is this year's rally cry to justify all kinds of things just like last year's was "train for the unknown" as a way to explain why the hspu "standard" keeps changing.
@devonian I never understood why people would cheat reps and movement standards.. all you're doing is shitting on your ability to get stronger and fitter . Dummies .