Tofu Is Bad, Actually


New member
(for reference)

Tofu is bland and has a lousy macro profile. I cook that shit any of 18 different ways, seasoned according to cultural traditions from Alaska to Australia, and it's still a) tasteless, b) sproingy and c) unpleasant.

The (non-exhaustive) following are protein sources better than tofu.
  1. Any blended vegetable protein, for instance like in my awesome fried chimkins, that does not include tofu
  2. Seitan
  3. Lentils
  4. Cannellini beans
  5. White navy beans
  6. Chickpeas
  7. Black beans
  8. Cultured cashew milk yogurt with Vega chocolate protein powder mixed in
  9. Sourdough bread
  10. Vega chocolate protein powder mixed with water, possibly to include mixed greens
  11. Tempeh
  12. Specifically hummus
  13. Red kidney beans
  14. Nutritional yeast
  15. Peanuts
  16. Those chipotle beans that come in the can for like $0.99
  17. TVP
  18. Adzuki beans
  19. Brown rice
  20. Seasoned white rice
  21. Flex and/or hemp seeds
  22. Just Egg
  23. Black eyed peas
  24. Green peas
  25. Quinoa
  26. Great northern beans
  27. Whatever random seeds happen to be on/in my Dave's Killer Bread
  28. Edamame
  29. Any blended vegetable protein that does include tofu
  30. Pinto beans
  31. Store-bought "burgers"
  32. That garbage cheese substitute I bought that stuck to itself, crumbled to tiny pieces and didn't even come close to melting
  33. A spoonful of tahini
  34. Lima beans
  35. Being hit by a bus
  36. Tofu
@yelhsalove I don’t know if you’ll get any actual traction since this post is so salty, but as someone with a soy allergy I am saving this list to remind myself I don’t need to be sad I can’t have tofu. Thank you!
@enealey Sorry to (respectfully) burst your bubble, but tofu is far from “pure protein”. Most brands are about 40% calories from protein.
By comparison….
seitan is 70-80% calories from protein.
protein powders can be 60-70% calories from protein.
TVP is 50% of calories from protein.

Tofu ain’t bad, but far from “pure protein.”
@enealey If by "pure protein" you mean "with entirely too much fat by percentage and also it tastes like bean water" then yes.

Now that stuff someone shared a little while back, that tofu made with ... whatever other kind of bean that was? That stuff was a block of protein and I need it.