Tool for lifting multiple bells w/ each hand?

Anyone recommend a product to help lift multiple heavy bells with each hand for farmers carriers? Like a hand grip attached to a heavy-duty clip or strap? I remember someone here once using a bike lock, but the brand was a bit pricey (especially for two). Thanks in advance!
@morningstarstillsmiling If it was a kryptonite bike lock the it was a chain wrapped.

Just hit up the hardware store and get 2 chains and and get some climbing carabineers and use theo close the chain then have them cut and then wrap them in a hand towel or something for grip
@juancarlos Have definitely tried this. Just gets a little awkward for me with the bells I have. I usually do farmers carries at the end of a workout when I'm already a bit tired, and bending down to pick up or put down the bells when they're stacked like this can get uncomfortable. I'm sure it'd get better over time though, thanks!