I hate lifting

@servantj Fitness is more than just getting jacked... Runners/cyclists and iron men are probably among the fittest people in the world by definition.

Probably consider taking up a boxing gym or something if you love cardio, as you can get pretty defined upper body in conjunction with lower body by cycling.

If you wanna be "huge" it's not optimal that's all.
@servantj I hated it too. The only thing that helped me was getting a trainer. It's nice having someone there telling you what to do so you don't have to think about it. Helps that he's goofy like me. I also forced myself to do it in the early morning, because I knew I wouldn't do it later in the day. Now I'm used to it, and it doesn't bother me much.
@servantj Do you not enjoy the high from lifting weights? I live for it. Try slowing down the reps so you really feel it in the muscles you're working. It feels amazing 🔥🔥
@advise You'll get it. I used to feel like that for the first year of lifting; just going through the motions not really enjoying it. I started focusing, slowing down the reps, a few drop sets, and felt such a buzz. I'm so high while lifting now 👍👍(all natural of course)
@servantj If you want to gain muscle you have to lift weights. No amount of cardio will gain any significant amount of muscle.

Just embrace the suck that is weight lifting.
@servantj If it makes you feel better I am the opposite and despise cardio. I can’t think of anything worse. But after enough time I got into the habit of doing it and manage to do it 5-6 times a week (just 30 mins of LISS).

I also lift weights 5-6 times a week. I don’t love it but it’s enjoyable. Meaning I’d rather be eating on the couch watching tv. However once you start and starting progress (which initially comes pretty quick) it’s a lot easier to motivate you to keep going. Plus unlike some cardio it’s a lot easier to track progres, again better motivation to keep going.
@servantj I’m sort of in the same boat, I don’t fully hate lifting but it just doesn’t make me feel as good as, say, running. I always say that I lift because I like the way it makes me look, I run because I like the way it makes me feel. It’s one of the reasons I see a trainer consistently which I recommend if you can afford it. It keeps me accountable and gives me a reason to do weights and takes a lot of the mental effort out, and then I don’t mind squeezing in an extra day or two of weights on my own. I always joke with my trainer that leg day is one of the reasons I can never go out fully on my own, because it makes me so miserable that I would never do it if someone wasn’t forcing me, lol.
@servantj Try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It’s an intense cardio workout like no other and it’s also a great anaerobic total body workout. I have lifted weights for years but nothing made my physic pop like BJJ. Added bonus, you can easily take out loud mouth carnivore bros with your new skills.
@johncr Think you've got that centrifugal bit backwards.

Swinging a kettle bell around it way easier because after the initial potential energy storage of the first swing, you're using a huge amount of potential energy and centrifugal force from the kettle bell just swinging, rather than getting your muscles to generate anything.

Dumbell movements traditionally stop in one or more places so the muscles are working from a point of inertia and have to generate more energy to move the weight.
@johncr Think you've got that centrifugal bit backwards.

Swinging a kettle bell around it way easier because after the initial potential energy storage of the first swing, you're using a huge amount of potential energy and centrifugal force from the kettle bell just swinging, rather than getting your muscles to generate anything.

Dumbell movements traditionally stop in one or more places so the muscles are working from a point of inertia and have to generate more energy to move the weight.