I hate lifting

  1. Try lifting in the high rep range Up tplo 50 Reps ist shown same/similiar results as lower rep ranges as long as you are close to failure. To me that feeels like cardio.
  2. Check out Renaissance Periodisation and their style of training.
  3. Eat more and more protein. Even without resistance Training Protein intake increases muscle protein synthesis.
  4. There are too many cool Sports to do something you dont like imo. Try calisthenics skill work If you dont like reps and sets.
@servantj Try Olympic weightlifting. It’s a sport and will make you feel like an athlete, it’s focus on technique and strength rather than just doing those boring ass bicep curls you will see at every gym.
It’s highly functional, meaning it can benefit other aspects of your life.
You are going to build muscle and improve your power and reflexes due to its focus on strength.

And let me tell you, the sense of accomplishment from mastering the lifts (or trying to, cause it can take years), and lifting your body weight over your head is incredibly rewarding. It makes my dick hard. It will also give you a lot of confidence and self esteem, and since you are already have low fat, you will look jacked.
@servantj To build/maintain muscle you need 1) sufficient calories, and 2) activity that stimulates the muscle. You can lift all day, but if you're starving, you're going to have a net loss in your muscle mass. Don't forget that part!

Maybe you would consider boxing-type workouts? It is highly cardio-intense, but a lot of the movements build shoulders/chest/arms/legs (especially legs, with all the footwork/ducking/pivoting). Plus the added fun of just throwing some punches.
@servantj In my experience, getting a good trainer helped me like lifting more. Maybe you need to find the right person to help make it fun. Or even a friend to lift with you!

I'm about to head to the gym now, even though I don't want to, because my coach knows I'm coming and is keeping me accountable. Plus, it'll be over in an hour and I'll feel good about having completed it! You can do it! 💪
@servantj Weight lifting doesn't have to be boring comrades. You can even do cardio and lifting at the same time, you just need to "enter the kettlebell."

But in all seriousness, kettlebells opened up my world in the gym and broke me out of sitting on boring machines. Most gyms are stuck in a throwback, Arnold style bodybuilding model. Functional lifting with kettlebells is so much better and it will lead to improved performance and decreased risk of injury in cycling and running.
@servantj I have a hard time believing that. Even a korean friend in a korean apartment had room for rings. His bedroom only had place for a bed and he could touch the wall with his hands and feet at the same time.

There's parks too, which are often friendlier to beginners as to really enjoy rings you need I'll say at least +6 bar pullups and +15 parallel dips imo