Top 10 exercises

@victorcourville I don’t have a ton of experience. Right now mine would be:
  1. Smith machine incline bench press
  2. Flat DB press
  3. Pull up
  4. Incline DB row
  5. Lateral raise
  6. Incline curl
  7. Tricep push down with straight bar
  8. Leg press
  9. Walking lunges
  10. RDLs
  1. Incline DB bench
  2. Hack squats
  3. RDLs
  4. Weighted pull-ups
  5. Weighted dips
  6. Bulgarian split squats
  7. Chest-supported machine row
  8. Perfect machine preacher curl
  9. Cable lateral raises
  10. DB skulls
It hurts not to put calf raises or abs on here, but if I only can pick 10 exercises I think I could get away developing calves with hiking/incline walking and have good enough abs by dieting.
@victorcourville In no particular order:


•Ez-bar curl

•Neutral close grip lat pulldowns

•Leg press

•ATG squats

•Chest supported row

•Seated calf raise

•Flat dumbbell press

•Overhead press

•Weighted decline situps
  1. Incline Smith Machine Press (only picked this up recently but it's an 11/10)
  2. Single arm cable row
  3. Pendulum Squat
  4. Calve Raise as a partial (just the stretched part)
  5. Flat Hammer Strength Press
  6. Cable Lateral Raise
  7. Wide Grip Pulldown
  8. EZ Bar curls
  9. V Bar Press downs
  10. T - Bar Row
  1. Incline smith
  2. Seated cable chest press
  3. Lateral raises
  4. Rear delt fly
  5. Lat pull downs
  6. T bar row
  7. Barbell RDL
  8. Leg Press
  9. Ez bar curl
  10. Overhead tricep extension w/ rope
started off fat so no calf work needed, still cutting/no visible abs so been neglecting abs , outta sight outta mind for now 😂