Top 10 exercises

@victorcourville I don’t have a ton of experience. Right now mine would be:
  1. Smith machine incline bench press
  2. Flat DB press
  3. Pull up
  4. Incline DB row
  5. Lateral raise
  6. Incline curl
  7. Tricep push down with straight bar
  8. Leg press
  9. Walking lunges
  10. RDLs
  1. Incline DB bench
  2. Hack squats
  3. RDLs
  4. Weighted pull-ups
  5. Weighted dips
  6. Bulgarian split squats
  7. Chest-supported machine row
  8. Perfect machine preacher curl
  9. Cable lateral raises
  10. DB skulls
It hurts not to put calf raises or abs on here, but if I only can pick 10 exercises I think I could get away developing calves with hiking/incline walking and have good enough abs by dieting.
@victorcourville In no particular order:


•Ez-bar curl

•Neutral close grip lat pulldowns

•Leg press

•ATG squats

•Chest supported row

•Seated calf raise

•Flat dumbbell press

•Overhead press

•Weighted decline situps
  1. Incline Smith Machine Press (only picked this up recently but it's an 11/10)
  2. Single arm cable row
  3. Pendulum Squat
  4. Calve Raise as a partial (just the stretched part)
  5. Flat Hammer Strength Press
  6. Cable Lateral Raise
  7. Wide Grip Pulldown
  8. EZ Bar curls
  9. V Bar Press downs
  10. T - Bar Row
  1. Seated Leg Curl
  2. Calf Leg Press
  3. Cable Chest Press
  4. Preacher Machine Curl
  5. Chest Supported Row
  6. Leg Extensions
  7. Machine Shoulder Press
  8. Cross Body Triceps Extensions
  9. Cable Y raises
  10. Leg Press
  1. Incline smith
  2. Seated cable chest press
  3. Lateral raises
  4. Rear delt fly
  5. Lat pull downs
  6. T bar row
  7. Barbell RDL
  8. Leg Press
  9. Ez bar curl
  10. Overhead tricep extension w/ rope
started off fat so no calf work needed, still cutting/no visible abs so been neglecting abs , outta sight outta mind for now 😂
@victorcourville 1.Bulgarian split squat/Lunges (glute focus)

2.Hack Squats

3.Seated leg curl

That's for legs, then:
  1. Incline press (would choose dumbbells for movement freedom but as you increase weight, you lose ROM, so the variation of incline press that suits you)
  2. Close grip lat pulldown
  3. FacePulls
  4. Bayesian curls
  5. Dips, chest focused
  6. A heavy row for upper back
  7. Cable lateral raises
  8. Reverse crunches
  9. BONUS:Wide grip shrugs/wide grip pull-ups/hyperextensions (basically the movement you need to balance your back, can't pick one)
@victorcourville 1 DB Lateral Raise

2 Wide Grip Neutral Pull Up

3 Decline Bench Press

4 Incline Hammer Curl

5 Triceps Pushdown

6 ATG BB Squat

7 Lying Leg Curl

8 Seated Calf Raise

9 T Bar Row

10 DB Reverse Fly/Machine Chest Fly
@victorcourville Not in order:


Bulgarian split squats

DB bench press (incline and flat)

DB seated shoulder press


Chest-supported machine rows

Cable triangle pushdowns

Cable overhead triceps rope extension

EZ bar curls

Cross-body curls
@victorcourville 1.Bench press - 2.Incline Bench press 3.Barbell Shoulder press - 4.Pullups - 5.Barbell row - 6.Romanian Deadlift - 7.Bulgarian split squat - 8.Barbell Step ups - 9.Barbell Calf Raises 10.Wide Barbell Upright row
@victorcourville This would be my list to hit most of the body, but I'd feel like it neglected several small muscles this way.

On a list like this I'd intentionally make modifications so it hits those muscle groups better, eg a wider grip on rows to a higher touchpoint and a supinated grip on vertical pulls to bias it more for rear delts and biceps respectively since I didn't have isolations for those muscle groups.
  1. Incline Press - incline db bench
  2. Triceps isolation - overhead triceps extension
  3. Side delt isolation - cable lat raises
  4. Horizontal Pull - wider grip barbell row
  5. Vertical Pull - chin ups
  6. Quad compound - split squats
  7. Isolated knee extension - single leg extension
  8. Hinge pattern - stifflegged deadlift
  9. Isolated knee flexion - single leg curl
  10. Calves - single leg standing calf raises
@victorcourville 1- Db inclined press

2- Chest fly machine

3- Bb row

4- Lat pulldown

5- lateral raise

6- Ez bar curl

7- Cable rope pushdown

8- Deadlift

9- Bb squat

10- Seated leg curl
@victorcourville Fun topic - in no particular order!
  1. DB Flat Press
  2. Wide Grip Bent Over Row
  3. Weighted Pull-Up
  4. DB Shoulder Press
  5. BB Skull Crusher
  6. Bulgarian Split Squat
  7. Hack Squat
  8. Standing Calf Raise
  9. BB RDL
  10. Power Clean
I would also like to add something directly for upper chest, side delts and bis directly but since there are only 10 spots this is what I would go for.
@victorcourville Belt Squat

Sumo Deadlift

Pendlay Row

Dumbbell Pullover

Dip Press Machine

Face Pull

Cable Triceps Press-down

Cable Hammer Curl

Neck Harness

Reverse Ez-bar Curl