Top 10 exercises

@victorcourville Overhead Press (makes me feel like a champion)

Weighted Dips

Hack Squats (Brutal and makes me want to die midset but if I get through them there's no better feeling)

Neutral Grip Pullups

French Press

Chest Supported Machine Rows

Tricep Pushdowns w Vbar

Incline Curls


Leg Extensions
  1. Deadlift
  2. Squat
  3. Pull up
  4. Dips
  5. Dumbell Bench
  6. Dumbell overhead
  7. Bent barbell rows
  8. Cable side lateral raises
  9. Hanging leg raises
  10. Smith machine calf raises
Arms might suffer from only getting stimulation from big compound movements and would probably give no. 11 and 12 isolations for them.
@victorcourville 1 bench press
2 deadlift
3 squat
4 behind the neck press
5 pull ups
6 dumbell curls
7 dips
8 calf raise
9 incline bench press
10 rear delt dumbell raise

Behind the neck barbell raises are good for my shoulders, but maybe not yours. Normal barbell press, chin ups, barbell curls all hurt my elbows.
@victorcourville I'm not going to do this in any order (and I'm two days late,) but:
  • Incline Smith Machine Press
  • Super-Rom Lateral Raises
  • Hack Squat
  • Assisted Pullup
  • Deficit Barbell Row
  • RDL
  • Hack Squat Calf Raise
  • DB Chest Fly
  • DB Upright Row
  • EZ-Bar Curl