Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

@saraila Can’t think of 5 off the top of my head, but I remember really hating Morrison and Kalsu. Probably because I was not as fit as I am now. I was fit, but I wasn’t CrossFit fit (not that I’ll ever be CrossFit fit)
@nychristian15 Chad Rx with a 45lb sucks. It’s a mental game of determination, staying focused, and not losing count. There is no variation to break up the monotony of the same movement over and over and over and over.

That being said. I can’t wait for Veterans Day next year so I can beat my time.
@saraila I did Strange when it was released in 2012. It was the worst broke off I have ever been. Combination of not being very fit, pushing for RX and not understanding that only the lunge steps had two KBs.

Eight rounds for time of:
600 meter Run
1.5 pood Weighted pull-up, 11 reps
11 Walking lunge steps, carrying 1.5 pood kettlebells
1.5 pood Kettlebell thruster, 11 reps
@saraila Gonna vary a lot between people. Like my OH mobility is very good I can crush any WOD that has OHS. Also people like me who’ve actually spent some time working on Olympic lifts will not have a problem with those workouts. Heavier vs lighter people will separate the lifters and runners etc.
@saraila Servais

For time:

Run 1.5 miles

Then, 8 rounds of:

19 pull-ups

19 push-ups

19 burpees


400-meter sandbag carry (heavy)

1-mile farmers carry with 45-lb. dumbbells
@saraila Feeks…if you do it the way I did it. Took me two hours. I couldn’t get the definition of “100m shuttle sprint” from the comments on or even DMing Boz and Dave so each 100m shuttle sprint I ran (jogged) the length of a soccer field down and back as 1 rep. Ended up being over 8 miles of running. I also didn’t have 65lb DBs so I used 70lbs


For time:
2 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
2 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
4 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
4 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
6 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
6 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
8 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
8 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
10 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
10 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
12 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
12 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
14 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
14 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
16 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
16 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells