Tuck L-sit made me climax??


New member
I was doing a Tuck L-sit and my thighs started vibrating. On the next set, it happened. Has this happened to anybody else? I don't want this to happen every time I do a Tuck L-sit.
@truebeliever99 Was on the ab machine, and started feeling funny. Then I realize exactly what that "funny" feeling is. But I have to do 30 reps and I'm only on, like, number 10. I slow down a bit, hoping it will just go away. It does NOT go away. Well, not exactly.

I managed to stay quiet about it, but I felt like EVERYONE THERE KNEW. The rest of my session felt super awkward and I reeeeeally couldn't wait to leave and go sit in the changing room and hyperventilate. For several reasons.

Quietest orgasm I've ever had, I'll tell you THAT.
@destinyhope13 Whether or not you're joking, let me say that I'm sorry if you've never experienced this type of climax. However, your lack of experience with it does not invalidate the experience of others.

I am personally very, very familiar with orgasms, how they feel, and how they affect the body. While I can't speak for OP, I know firsthand that they can very definitely be triggered through working different muscle groups or stimulation of non-genital erogenous zones.

I regularly experience orgasm - here defined as "a climax of sexual excitement characterized by a rush of euphoria accompanied by brief tension/spasm, and a sensation of release followed by a feeling of relaxation" - through stimulation of areas other than my genitals. Sensations may be felt in my genital region during such climax, but is generally centered wherever I'm receiving the stimulation.