I did a Tuck L-sit for 25 seconds!

@anticrash Thanks so much :)

I really started to see progress when I started doing one foot L-sits, it was really hard but I pushed through.

have a nice week!!!
@hkdr I was able to do Tuck L-sit for the first time last week, 5 seconds for now. Was super happy, can only imagine how it is holding 25. Congrats!
@joyce955 Thank you! I was amazed the first time I held a Tuck L-sit for a couple seconds, you will get there I promise

Have a nice week!!
@hkdr Great work!

Also starting to progress with this - last week I could only hold the one foot support L-Sit for 10-15 secs at a time. At the weekend I managed to hold each side for 30 seconds! I was so thrilled but it really is all about those small victories. The RR says hold for 30 but my next goal is to hold for a minute :D
@hkdr hey great job!

I'm able to do 1 foot supported L-sit for 3 sets of 40s (20s each foot).

Do you think I'm ready for the tucked progression?>
@anonbeliever I never recorded it, but tomorrow after a good rest I'm going to attempt it again and post a form check because I've gotta be doing something wrong,

have a nice week :)