Urgent advice! Someone filming me at the gym. Gym won’t take action


New member
Hi guys.

Will try to keep this short but REALLY need advice from fellow people.

Got my gym membership at the start of January and on the second week I decided to go utilize the hot tub and sauna.

I was there by myself in the hot tub curating a vibe! Had my towel out, a book, was super happy that I found a place like this.

This man comes in about 10 min later and asks to turn on the bubbles. It’s worth noting that he sat on adjacent corner to where I was sitting… in an empty hot tub. He was sitting on the steps to the pool and I was on the same wall. My flip flops were close to where he was sitting.

As I was getting up to leave and grab my flip flops, I look down and realize that he is fucking filming me. Straight up. iPhone selfie view video trying to get a shot of me walking behind him. LIVID. The iPhone video is unmistakable. White circle with a red square in the middle. He lies and says he’s on what’s app. Goes ahead and fumbles on his phone trying to open the app. Goes as far as call one of his contacts. And I just know he’s lying. I also ask to see his camera roll and I see, with my own eyes, photos and videos.

I tell someone in the locker room as soon as it happens. She tells the manager that’s in that day, also the person who signed me up for my membership.

He tells me that the OM (operating manager) will call me. I wait a week… he doesn’t. I leave a note for him. He calls me back thinking I’m looking for someone else at the gym w his name. (How did he just NOT call me the first time anyways…)

I tell him that I’m uncomfortable with this happening. This man’s membership needs to be revoked. He tells me that he will call me back the next week to give me an update..

A week goes by.. two.. three!!! I’m so upset bc clearly it just doesn’t seem like he gives a shit.

Finally. I went in to the gym yesterday during the day and asked someone at the front desk if the OM is him. Turns out I WAS SPEAKING W HIM!

I was like oh it’s me… and he’s like clearly oh shit. He said he spoke w the individual and the man said he was on WhatsApp (LYING). I then asked, “were you planning on calling me about this?”

“I completely forgot”

How do you forget this? Someone at your gym is reporting being filmed, not even just on the floor but in the hot tub and you forget?

I want to escalate this with the corporate people. The OM said he discussed with his Boss, who said as long as it doesn’t happen again we won’t do anything to this man’s membership.

I asked if I could speak with his boss, who is actually a woman.

Need advice on how to go about this. What to say. What to advocate for.

Thank you ALL.

TLDR- caught someone filming me at the gym, hot tub, and caught someone filming me at the gym, hot tub, and staff is repeatedly showing me that they don’t care that this happened. I am anticipating getting a call from the boss at this gym location & need advice on what to say, and how to argue my point.
Hi everybody, the amount of support from you all in the comments is truly so endearing and affirming. It’s sad that I feel like I have to take such grave actions to just support and advocate for myself… stay tuned I think I’m gonna drop the gym and location in a new post and you guys are all welcome to absolutely destroy them in their Google reviews.

I went to another location and talked openly with one of the managers there and he said that due to the policy of the gym sometimes what you really need is a video of them doing it to you and evidence and unless you have that there’s really nothing that can be done.

I feel like I messed up on my part for not taking a video of the man back, not documenting it more not keeping my evidence and being able to retort my facts. nonetheless it seems like one of the most effective things that I can do is publicly shamed them.


Stay tuned
@christianandy I’m too compassionate even in most terrible circumstances. Truly such a blessing and curse. When he wasn’t really “speaking English back to me” I started to feel bad. I told the man that he’s weird and creepy and that he should never do that again bc the next person who he does this to isn’t as nice as me.


I hate my heart at times.
@cookiemon The gall of this man to do this and continue lying! If nothing happens out of this, I hope you make a fuss of this so other members also know about this jerk and establishment (for their irresponsibility) and cancel their memberships. I wouldn’t use the hot tub again if I were a member there, who wants to worry about that happening anytime anyone comes in the door?
@pollyjetix Yep. Went about 3 weeks later and couldn’t help but feel like I was watching the door… also unsure if any of the ppl in the tub were him, cuz I had said in prior responses that I don’t know if I would recognize him. terrible.
@cookiemon File a police report. against that person and the health club. You can also contact any news station in your area as they love to do stories on this type of thing. I hope you are feeling better.
@cookiemon Find a corporate number and call them tell them what happened and how the manager didn’t/refused to handle it and didn’t call you. If that doesn’t work I would call a non emergency police number, tell them what happened, ask to make a report(they probably can’t do anything abt it but if the gyms have cameras that’s evidence that they will at least collect and an actual police report would put pressure on the gym.) I would also see about cancelling your membership because if something like that happens again they clearly won’t do anything
@bldfalcon There is. asked them to send me a copy of the contract I signed and it says verbatim “capturing images of another person, without their permission by use of cellular phones, mobile devices, or other equipment with video/photo capabilities, is strictly prohibited in the facility. This is an invasion of privacy, and may result in the termination of your membership in contact with law enforcement” AND “ during club, use all members and guests, will refrain from engaging and loud foul or slander language, or molesting, badgering, or HARASSING other members or employees”
@cookiemon If you have a copy of the contract, call and schedule a meeting with the manager and a police officer. I can guarantee that meeting will get results. Offer to include the supervisor or owner of the gym in the meeting as it directly impacts his/her/their business when you schedule. Don’t let them say it isn’t needed! It is for 1) your peace of mind, 2) their violation of your contract and 3) if this person did it film you, I can bet he has done it before. Don’t act like a victim! You are exercising your rights under their terms of the contract and protecting yourself.

The police will get the person’s name and help ensure the video is erased/or that it hasn’t been posted. They will also be able to determine if there is other violations based on information from the manager. Your filming peeper probably has more evidence on his phone.