Urgent advice! Someone filming me at the gym. Gym won’t take action

@cookiemon I would report this to the police. Document everything. Dates, times, messages, who you spoke to. Bring the police in to the gym so they can give the cops the guy's full name and address.

Seek out a restraining order. They probably won't give you one, but I'd try.

Then report them to the franchise, using the official police report.

The manager is probably friends with this dude or in on it somehow. There's no other reasonable explanation for his lack of care, refusal to call back, refusal to properly investigate, and unwillingness to put anything in writing.

Escalate, escalate, escalate.
@cookiemon I would make a police report of it. It might not be actionable or criminal even, but at least you would have that on your side in hopes it makes the gym take that seriously. I'm sorry that happened to you.
@ypauli The police department may not take a report so prepare for that as well if you go that route. I tried to make a police report to document someone stalking me and they wouldn't record anything unless a crime has been committed.
@whatotherpeoplecallme Interesting, that’s definitely variable based on location. In many departments and jurisdictions the policy is to document when requested even if it’s not an actionable report (like a crime). Be careful discouraging people from reporting, it could keep someone safe.
@ypauli That’s also what my family suggested. I just wish the gym would do smthn so that I don’t have to go thru all the hassle… bc the police are hard to deal with too.
@cookiemon Yeah it can be. There was a situation at a gym near me somewhat recently where a guy was using a hidden camera to record girls at the tanning booth, it was a huge social media outcry and the police process still took a long time, but in the end the guy ended up convicted.

Hate to say it but if he was taping you like that who knows what else he has on his phone, unfortunately.
@ypauli That is AWFUL! Yes, I’ve expressed that fact to the gym. If they’re recording me, who knows what else they are filming. Also worth noting Im an adult but definitely could pass for teen once in awhile.