Urgent advice! Someone filming me at the gym. Gym won’t take action

@cookiemon I would start spamming their name and location on every social I use. I’d sign up for the rest. Tag the location SPAM. Have your girlfriends and friends share your posts. If nothing comes of that and it will then I’d start filtering the cars in their parking lot making customers aware.
@cookiemon Don’t do this. Don’t take any sort of harassing or petty action. You want to keep yourself as clean as possible. Stay on the high road. File a police report. Speak with a lawyer. Let the corporation know that since it clearly doesn’t value the safety and privacy of its members and lets them pay to be put in a potentially physically harmful situation (and already emotional harmful situation) that you will be taking appropriate legal action.
After you make a big public announcement and they respond make sure you’re refunded and allowed out of contract. Never go back.
@cookiemon Ooooooo I’d go and a absolute tirade. You need to find a safer gym, but also let women at this gym know whether it’s through yelp and Google reviews or social media posts. Companies tend to respond to social media posts quicker than anything because it makes then look the worst quickly.
@cookiemon I used to worked in a gym in costumer service. There is a strict rule that NO PHONES are permitted in the sauna, steam room, bathrooms and pool area strictly due to privacy. Also, there are kids taking swimming lessons and it is prohibited to have phones out when they are in the pool.
Read your T&C and code of conduct. It must say somewhere that no phones are allowed on that area. If not, are there any laws in your region about such?

This is ***** ridiculous. The job of costumer service is to also protect the members. We have clear instructions of different codes that could happen and what our response should be. First aid, accidents, bomb threat, and violent or sexual harassment. Each code as a number and we would radio each other if any came up. If a brawl or sexual harassment happened, we had certain people to deal with it (usually the big personal trainers on shift). The most common was the disabled toilet alarm being set accidentally but we still had to call the code just in case it was real and an ambulance needed to be called.

That is a gym I would not join OP. Leave that place.
@cookiemon OP, I am so sorry this happened to you! This happened to me in January where a dude took photos of me in the middle of a workout class and other people saw it happen!!!! To paint a picture it was during the cool down/ stretching section of the class and a woman in the class comes up to me to screaming that the man behind me was taking pictures of me stretching. I immediately reported it to the teacher and the operations manger of the gym. I even went to NYPD about it and they told me there was nothing they could do, since there is a “grey area” with gyms/ it didn’t happen in a bathroom. Total bullshit IMO. The next day I was then notified that the the gym had the whole incident on video footage and they were waiting on corporate to review it. I went to review it a few days after (obviously super traumatic) and it was extremely clear that not only was this man recording me he was watching me throughout the entire class. He even went as far to move his mat right behind me. Keep in mind I reviewed the code of conduct and this clearly violated it. While reviewing the footage the operations manger had the audacity to try to gaslight me and tell me that because “we can’t see what’s on his screen so we can’t assume he did anything wrong.”even though his phone was literally pointed to my ass while I was in table top … like come on … She also even shamed me for not confronting the man when it happened … I then asked if they confronted this member or if he had banned from the location and they told me that they could not tell me. I even asked if they had reached out to the woman who alerted me about it and they said the same thing. I then demanded to talk to other people in corporate about it and it was impossible to find another contact. I finally was able to find another GM by calling and saying I was talking to a lawyer LOL. I was met with a much more sympathetic conversation, but they ultimately said the same thing that “they could not allude to him filing me because of the lack of proof on the footage.” I decided this was all I could do without actual seeking legal help or the help of the NYPD. So I ultimately cancelled my membership, demanded a refund and left a scathing review. It is so beyond frustrating that something so terrible could happen to you on video footage and people will just pretend that it did not happen!!! Keep fighting the good fight OP! do not drop it. Corporate/ GM will just ignore it hoping it will fizzle out but make them as uncomfortable as this situation has made you! I hope they make the right decision and kick this creep out!!!