Urgent advice! Someone filming me at the gym. Gym won’t take action

@cookiemon You should make a police report so they can get the guys name and have a record. If he’s a real weirdo and it ends up on the internet there could be lawsuits and things. But you want a record that you notified the gym first and gave them the opportunity to take action. Even with that said, you should file a police report because what if this guy has a really bad thing going on and there is no record from anyone of his behavior. Even if the police don’t do anything either, at least you know his name and there’s a record.
@cookiemon what does the membership agreement say about filming in the gym in general, and does it say anything specifically about filming other gym members? does it say anything about phone use in certain areas? under what circumstances does it say the gym will cancel a membership?

did you get the name of the man who was filming you?

definitely do not give up until you speak to the woman in charge. at the very least, find out who has the responsibility of monitoring this man to make sure he’s not filming other members. and find out whether their statement, that his membership will be cancelled if he does this again, was communicated to him.
@cookiemon Take a photo of the creep and post it outside the gym that he videos people also put it in the reviews for the gym and post to socials.
Fire with fire
@cookiemon I hate to say this but I doubt officially anything will happen unless it's more serious, so I would out this man as the creep he is and the gym for the creep-allowers that they are, out them as you see them walking in the gym, and on social media. I'm sorry this is so shit.
@cookiemon Honestly, I don't think the police will do anything. It doesn't sound like the guy did anything illegal, just massively creepy. If it was in the change room or a private space that would be different. Is it a chain gym? Definitely escalate to head office or something like that. If that doesn't aid the situation, tell your story on social media and be prepared to quit the gym.
@farmerdex I have the same feeling. The gym does apparently have a no phones policy in the pool. But still they won’t revoke his membership.

This honestly sucks SO MUCH. It is a chain gym & from what I understand the locations aren’t linked. I would be able to go to other locations but then I hate to have this relationship with the ppl at the gym and for there to likely have animosity towards me for doing this. But ultimately they are not doing what needs to be done and taking action. It feels very conflicting for me since this gym is cheaper and affordable for me.
@cookiemon I know it can feel so scary to go into a gym after complaining (I once had to report a trainer for sexually harassing me and then kept going to the gym after they didn’t even fire him and he would be there) but don’t let these idiots ruin your good time and vibe.
You should hold your head high knowing that they are in the wrong.
I would review the gym everywhere telling what happened because negative press is the only thing some gyms care about
Let women know it’s not a place they are protected from creeps and weirdos.
I’m so sorry you had to experience this!
@cookiemon Call or email their hotline. I'm assuming it's LA Fitness and if so you can find it online. Plus leave a scathing public review. People should know that this location will do nothing to protect women being creeped on.