Vitamin D (25-OH) level is 20.9 ng/ml. Should I start supplementing 60k UI D3 per week for next 8 weeks?

@slimshaky Take some Sun daily. Have a capsule of Vit D3 weekly for 8 weeks. If you can't take morning sunlight daily for 30 mins, then you may continue a single capsule once every two weeks or once monthly later on after 8 weeks of weekly dosing. Vitamin D is not only important for good bone health, it also is important for proper calcium metabolism in the body. Also low vitamin D has shown signs of low testosterone in some. And make sure to have enough calcium from food only in your diet. No need for calcium supplementation.
@slimshaky Yes. Calcium need not be fixed. Fix you Vit D levels at first. Also do a test for your Magnesium levels as Calcium and Magnesium levels are correlated. If both are within normal range, then continue with Vit D capsules. Also, is your Hemoglobin within the range? If it's deranged, I will suggest you to do a Serum Creatinine too. And consult a Medicine specialist if your Hemoglobin or Creatinine are deranged.
@slimshaky It's good that it's all normal. But, one thing I suggest you is that all these mineral supplements should only be taken if you are deficient in it. (If it's normal, then you are sufficiently getting it from your diet) That's why I suggested you to get your Magnesium levels checked. Minerals have very narrow range and are needed in somewhat trace quantities except some minerals like Iron, Calcium, etc. So, if your magnesium levels are normal and you are having trouble in sleeping, it probably is due to screen time.
@slimshaky My reading was 11.05, and the doctor also advised me to take 60k units of vitamin D3 for eight weeks. After doing so, I felt much more energised and less irritable.
@slimshaky Yes start it once a week for 8 weeks, I have vit d deficiency too, my level was 6, so I have to keep supplements on. Once you're done with your course, vit D levels will go up but it's likely it will come back down , so keep monitoring
@slimshaky I just naturally don't produce enough, and apparently a lot of Indians don't. Also recently gotba slip discs that the spine surgeon is saying is linked to vit d levels too. I just have to keep supplementing
@slimshaky The weekly dose has poor abosorbtion rate because of 1 day half life of D3. Also those 60K doses have D2 instead of D3. Which again has poor abosorbtion.

Take daily tablet of 10K IU. Specifically take Cholecalciferol form tablets. Supplement with Magnesium. Magnesium helps with D3 abosorbtion. Take it after consuming some fats 10-20g. As D3 is fat soluble.

See if you can persist your doctor for injections. Injections for a month will give you a head start.

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