Wall-E Wednesday (diet discussions)

@jesusdaughter155 Gaining it back again is what I'm worried about. Low carb is not sustainable with a busy family of four who loves pizza and burgers :) I think I could do it for a short time, maybe up to a month... I'm working on a goal of doing one pull up... If I can get lighter, one would assume a pull up would be easier... But I don't want to loose muscle that I have developed either...
@727billin Anything is sustainable if you learn discipline. You get to decide what's more important by your own actions. If pizza is more important, so be it.

You can have the burgers, just skip the bun.

Discipline is a skill that can be trained.

I freaking loved pizza, pasta, cake, whoopie pies, and a bunch of other stuff leading me to diabesity. But I very rarely eat any of that now, 100 lbs lighter with much more muscle.