Wall-E Wednesday (diet discussions)

@jesusdaughter155 Gaining it back again is what I'm worried about. Low carb is not sustainable with a busy family of four who loves pizza and burgers :) I think I could do it for a short time, maybe up to a month... I'm working on a goal of doing one pull up... If I can get lighter, one would assume a pull up would be easier... But I don't want to loose muscle that I have developed either...
@727billin Anything is sustainable if you learn discipline. You get to decide what's more important by your own actions. If pizza is more important, so be it.

You can have the burgers, just skip the bun.

Discipline is a skill that can be trained.

I freaking loved pizza, pasta, cake, whoopie pies, and a bunch of other stuff leading me to diabesity. But I very rarely eat any of that now, 100 lbs lighter with much more muscle.
@victoria52 That is true, but its not like we eat it all the time :) We mostly make homemade whole wheat pizza dough and control the toppings, etc. Burgers, well - they are burgers :)
@727billin I find it funny that burgers are so villainized.

4OZ Beef (Completely variable in fat and sometimes soy content)

1/2 serving of veggies (lettuce, tomato, onion)

1/2 to 1 serving of fat (Mayo)

2 Servings of bread (Buns)

Without fries and a coke, its not a terrible meal.
@727billin Cauliflower crust pizza. Low carb and you can sneak a vegetable into the kids without them knowing.

Burgers... lettuce wrap.

I don't miss bread or pasta that much and as such only have it a couple times a year. (I'm looking forward to mac and cheese on my birthday)

Bread and Pasta was mostly a carrier for sauce and cheese.
@jesusdaughter155 I had the same findings. I lost about 8kg doing keto for a couple of months, but it became very hard to maintain - especially when people around me kept saying "just have this one different meal and you can go back to it tomorrow" without any understanding that it the whole idea is based on getting your body into a different state of processing food.

I actually think that the best way to lose weight is to believe that cutting something out will help you lose weight. People who cut out meat tend to lose weight - even though cake and fries are vegetarian. People who cut out gluten tend to lose weight - even though steaks and fries are gluten free. People who cut out carbs tend to lose weight - even though bacon and butter have no carbs. This leads me to my diet tip: "don't eat anything yellow". I think if you actually force yourself to look at the ingredients of everything you eat and check whether it's got yellow in it, then you'll probably be conscious of your diet to the point that you will eat healthier and lose weight.
@jesusdaughter155 I recently discovered Jason Fung who has alleviated every fear I've ever had of fasting. Fasting I lose about 2 pounds a day. I've lost 20 pounds from my peak. I'm going on vacation the next two weeks, but when I get back I intend to see sub 200 for the first time in decades. I weighed 175 in college. I may see what sub-190 feels/looks like!

Eating LCHF in between fasts makes for much easier transitions.
@jesusdaughter155 34 now, but I've lost about 100 lbs slow and steady over the past 7-8 years and kept it off. Biggest things for me is just jumping back on the routine after falling off. One or two shitty days does not matter in the long run, just get back to a routine.

Tracking calories was pretty huge for me and still the only thing that works consistently for me.

Pre planning a day's intake in MFP is good to visualize how many calories you're going to consume before you actually do it.

Building muscle and having decent cardiovascular health are also a plus to hitting whatever goals someone may have