@joshteo This has to be very naunced and multifaceted.
Starting off with your workout, you might wanna consider implementing Reactive Deload, where you reduce the volume and intensity for the body parts that are struggling to recover.
As an alternative you can just Implement a whole body Deload where you drop your training volume of all body parts down to 2-3 hard sets per muscle group/ week... (yes very sufficient and effective in retaining your strength)
Secondly, work around your injury:
Explore what kind of movements trigger your pain and replace them with other movements that are pain free (Exercise variation is your friend).
If you can't go heavy, tempo is your friend. A strategy to incorporate sufficient intensity and produce more mechanical tension when heavy load training is feasible.
If you feel you wanna take a whole lay-off from the gym and not training at all, you ought to maintain a good level of physical activity to promote your recovery and retain strength. Walking, jogging, running errands. Just move...
As per your nutrition, you should consider ceasing your cut ig you're into one.
Figure out your maintenance calories with your new activity level and jump back to it.. Getting adequate amount of energy is crucial for recovery.
And stick to 1.6g of protein per kg of body weight, this should be sufficient to retain your muscles.
Best of luck