[warning: data] The Outliers -- 2018 Open results with normalized rankings


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For any given set of athletes, total points earned over a series of workouts should determine the overall fittest athlete. With sufficiently designed workouts, the strongest athletes should excel in strength workouts; the fastest athletes should excel in speed workouts. Consider power, endurance, agility, accuracy, and so forth, and the scores should balance themselves out. While this may hold true for CrossFit Regionals and Games, this does not quite work for the Open due to the large number of athletes and disparate fitness levels.

Jacob Heppner is an example of a very high level athlete who scored 104 reps in workout 18.4, placing 1796th in that workout for the North Central region. Through 5 workouts
(placing 5-4-122-3-1796)
, a normalized ranking system would show that he has already demonstrated fitness over 1790 of those athletes, and would rank 6th instead of 200th.

Dakota Rager, in Central East, posted first place finishes in his region in 18.2 and 18.3. His 310lb clean, which seems like a decent amount of weight for someone his size, placed 295th in 18.2a. Through 5 workouts
(placing 18-1-295-1-20)
, a normalized ranking system would show that he has demonstrated more fitness than 292 other athletes that can move heavier weight, and would rank 2nd instead of 36th.

Did you know that in Central East, 2906 athletes posted a score for 18.4, but posted a ZERO for at least one other workout? A normalized ranking system would rank athletes who DNF one or more workouts even lower than those who performed 1 rep in every workout. Graham Holmberg performed the minimum work requirement of 1 rep in 18.3, placing 7521st, but would place at most 4615th for that workout in a normalized ranking.

Nicolai Duus, in Europe North, had two first place finishes in 18.1 and 18.2. Not only were they first place in the region, but first place worldwide! He is currently ranked 53rd in the region, but through 5 workouts
(placing 1-1-404-8-114)
a normalized ranking system would rank him 3rd in the region.

Brendan Willis had two first place finishes in North Central in 18.2 and 18.4, throwing down some very impressive scores. Considering the 5 workouts
(placing 22-1-513-1-21)
, a normalized ranking system would rank him 2nd in the region instead of 42nd.

I'd be interested to hear of other outliers that seem like they should be ranked higher on the leaderboard. Maybe they dominate your local competitions, or are consistently at the top of the whiteboard in your box.

---How does the current Open ranking system not reward the best overall athletes?

Let’s look at an example from Central East (a very competitive region), where Scott Cottrill lifted 301 lbs to place 421st in 18.2a (1RM Clean). This means 420 athletes had a better score in that workout, so 420 points are added to his total. In order to be ranked in the top 20, this is a large number of points to be made up over the other workouts.

Actually though, 26 points are due to athletes who posted a score higher than 301 lbs, but failed to submit a score for at least one other workout. His normalized score improves from 420 to 394 in 18.2a... still a large number of points to be made up.

Additionally, 17 points are due to seventeen athletes who lifted 302 lbs, but after 5 workouts, Scott’s total points are 475
(placing 11-35-421-3-5)
, while those seventeen range from 751 to 16013 total points. The normalized system does not penalize his single workout score for athletes who are less fit overall, and his normalized score then improves from 394 to 377 for that single workout.

Then improves further for the four athletes who lifted 303 lbs but are less fit overall, from 377 to 373, and so forth.

In reality, there are 411 athletes who lifted heavier but had more total points, and the normalized ranking system awards him 10 points for 18.2a instead of 421, ranking him 7th overall in the region instead of 50th.

--Why would you have to make up an unreasonable amount of points from 18.2a because so many other athletes are worse overall except the heavy lift?

The other thing to remember is that athletes below a certain ranking do not need to submit video evidence of their performance. If you are a regional level athlete, adhering to the judging standards with a video to prove it, how many places are you willing to lose to athletes who are just giving their word when they submit a score?

One point here and there, over 10,000 athletes, over 5 workouts, does make a difference.

The math is explained in detail below, but you can see a spreadsheet for each region here:

Africa Middle East



Canada East

Canada West

Central America

Central East

Europe Central

Europe North

Europe South

Mid Atlantic

North Central

South America

South Central

South East

South West

West Coast

Each sheet has a column for the overall ranking by CrossFit (CF) and the normalized overall ranking (JM), along with the placements for each workout. It also shows the total points for each athlete through 5 workouts.

To see if you agree with the results, compare two athletes with similar normalized total points and look at their actual workout scores (on the right side of the sheet). You win some workouts, you lose some workouts. To see whether you won by a lot or a little, and how relevant that difference is, look at the normalized ranking for each individual workout. Some of the results made me scratch my head at first, but the math is there and it checks out. I can explain for any given athletes, why they are ranked they way they are, just ask.

---- WARNING: MATH ----

To demonstrate the math, let's compare some athletes and you tell me which is fitter.
I'll show 5 scores as the athlete's placement in each workout, and total points (sum of 5 workouts).

[A] 01-01-01-01-01 = 005
(first place in all 5 workouts)

[B] 50-50-50-50-50 = 250
(last place in all 5 workouts)

is the obvious winner (lowest total points)

[C] 02-02-02-49-49 = 104
(fitter in 3 workouts)

[D] 49-49-49-02-02 = 151
(fitter in 2 workouts)

is the winner (lower total points)

[E] 15-15-20-20-30 = 100
(fitter in 3 workouts)

[F] 20-20-30-15-15 = 100
(fitter in 2 workouts)

total points are equal, even though
won more workouts

Wait... what? If you win more workouts shouldn't you win overall? When we say you "win" a workout, it's because your score is at least one point better than the next athlete. It's the same for total points. You only "win" overall if your total points are lower than the next athlete. We should still be able to agree on that.

OK, let's continue. Comparing some athletes we have already seen, in context with one another.

[C] 02-02-02-49-49 = 104

[E] 15-15-20-20-30 = 100

[F] 20-20-30-15-15 = 100

is the loser, with the lowest total points

At this point, can we agree that
are fitter than
? And since they have already demonstrated fitness over him, can we also agree that his placement is no longer relevant to their scores? Meaning, in order to directly compare
[E] vs [F]
, what would happen if
is dropped, and placements of the remaining athletes are re-calculated?Anyone placing higher than 2nd in workouts 1-3 would gain a position.

[E]* 14*14*19*20-30 = 097

[F]* 19*19*29*15-15 = 097

*denotes a change in placement

total points are still equal, because each athlete moved up 3 points

Big deal... they tied before, they tied after. I agree, this example is not terribly interesting. I'm demonstrating the most basic examples so that we can build up to the more complicated ones.

Let's throw a different athlete into the equation

[G] 19-21-31-16-16 = 103

[E] 15-15-20-20-30 = 100

[F] 20-20-30-15-15 = 100

is the loser, with the lowest total points

So let's remove
and re-calculate

[E]* 15-15-20-19*29* = 098

[F]* 19*20-30-15-15  = 099

is now the winner, with lower total points

We don’t want to take anything away from
, whose points total was better than average. But since we decided that he is not as fit as the other two athletes, we don't want his score to interfere with their ranking so that we can directly compare the two of them. Remember from above, it only matters that you are fitter than the next athlete by one total point. It doesn't matter whether that translates to 10 minutes on the clock or 100 lbs on the barbell.

In other sports (basketball, baseball, football), teams are awarded a final ranking at the end of the season, based on a number of factors including record and strength of schedule, that is normalized in a way that makes sense. Think of these re-calculations as a sort of playoff system, where we start with the highest total points to find the least fit athlete, compare that athlete to the next athlete, and so on until we arrive at number 1.

I want to put one more example out there: Specialist vs Generalist

[H] 03-05-45-08-05 = 066
(exceptional in 4 workouts, poor in 1)

[I] 48-48-03-48-48 = 195
(exceptional in 1 workouts, poor in 4)

is the winner, with lower total points

From my understanding, CrossFit aims to define the fittest athlete as having a good balance of strength and speed, someone who performs highly in every workout. It does not aim to reward the specialist who excels in just one thing. Conversely, I would argue that the generalist should not be penalized by the performance of the specialist.

In track and field, decathletes aren't penalized by dedicated runners, jumpers, shot putters, etc. Their scores are calculated only with respect to other decathletes. Similarly, CrossFit athletes should not be ranked in a workout against an athlete who only excels at lifting, or only excels at body weight movements. The scores should reflect the nature of the sport.

If we can agree with these statements, and the logic above, we should re-calculate:

[H]* 03-05-44*08-05 = 065

Whoa... so now we're saying that
is actually fitter than we previously thought? Now that we think about it, the scores were actually quite good for 4 of the workouts. Maybe workout 3 was not great, but comparing total points to other athletes,
turned out to be fitter. It seems that the score for workout 3 was actually inflated by athletes that were calculated to be less fit overall.

We have shown that your ranking can actually improve by removing the scores of less fit athletes, which means that the normalized ranking might no longer reflect the actual difference in performance (time, reps, or lbs) for an individual workout. This is a change from the norm, but remember above we said it doesn't matter whether you win a workout by 10 minutes or 100 lbs, you win overall by placing one total point lower than the next athlete.

Note that it is also possible for your overall rank to be worse than the original. To be clear, it's not because you lose places in an individual workout. Your individual workout placement can only be the same or better than the original number. But your overall rank can be worse because others have moved up.

In a race series (auto racing, obstacle course racing, marathons), points are distributed for the first several places (maybe 10pts for 1st, 1pt for 10th), and then everyone else earns zero. This means that finishing last in one event still leaves a shot at the title if you can win out the rest of the series. Even with a sufficently large field of competitors, you are not given an unreasonable number of negative points that can never be made up within the series.

Even in CrossFit Regionals and Games, with a limited number of athletes, there are point disparities that cannot be made up because of the difference awarded for the top score vs the bottom score for a single event.

By re-calculating the rankings in this manner, the total points become much more competitive, and there are no longer hundreds of points between single positions.

Oh, and by the way, I've also noticed that CrossFit does not severely penalize the overall ranking of athletes in the Open who failed to submit a score for one of the workouts. A good ranking system should sort those athletes to the bottom of the list, below the athlete that performed 1 rep of each workout. We can compare athletes who did not finish a workout to other athletes that did not finish a workout, then drop them out as less fit than the athlete who performed the minimum work requirement, and re-calculate accordingly.

---- Putting it all together ----

Now let's put all the athletes together. Of course this is a limited data set with made-up numbers, and only 9 of 50 athletes are accounted for in the example calculations. But we can see how it works, and what it could mean for real data.

[A] 01-01-01-01-01 = 005

[J] 13-13-13-13-13 = 065

[H] 03-05-45-08-05 = 066

[E] 15-15-20-20-30 = 100

[F] 20-20-30-15-15 = 100

[G] 19-21-31-16-16 = 103

[C] 02-02-02-49-49 = 104

[D] 49-49-49-02-02 = 151

[I] 48-48-03-48-48 = 195

[B] 50-50-50-50-50 = 250


[A] 01-01-01-01-01  = 005

[H] 02*04*39*07*04* = 056*
(started at 66)

[J] 12*12*11*12*12* = 059*
(started at 65)

[E] 14*14*18*17*27* = 090*
(started at 100)

[F] 18*19*28*14*14* = 093*
(started at 100)

[G] 18*20*29*15*15* = 097*

[C] 02-02-02-48*48* = 102*

[D] 49-49-48*02-02  = 150*

[I] 48-48-03-48-48  = 195

[B] 50-50-50-50-50  = 250

If you are the best at everything, you are still the best at everything. If you are the worst at everything, you are still the worst at everything. If you fall anywhere in between, then you will be ranked appropriately, and the total points will more accurately represent the overall fitness level of each athlete with respect to the overall fitness level of every other athlete.
@spinny Holy shit. I like to think that I think way too much about this stuff when it is likely that nobody else cares. But you sir, to you I tip my hat. Well done.
@spinny I really liked this until I clicked and found myself... I was 400+ total points less (587 to 180) and 10 overall spots worse... I really thought this would help eliminate the 1RM advantage others seem to have... Cool data though, thanks for doing this. I do agree that because of the size of Open that one bad or not so great workout can be detrimental when it shouldn’t be, so maybe a new way of scoring is needed...
@sean33606 Anecdotally, people will not like the system if their rank is worse. A total of 180 isn't bad at all. It should put you around 50th-60th rank overall. The system isn't designed to find the +10 athletes, it's to find the -50 to -2000 athletes who demonstrate overall potential but got robbed by point inflation.

Less total points is actually better. It means that if first place has 5 points, and you have 180 points, then you are on average 35 positions worse each workout than first place (instead of 116 positions on average from the 587 points total).

If you are 10 overall spots worse, it could mean that you did significantly better on some workout than another. Maybe you're not the 1RM athlete, but maybe some other workout was in your wheelhouse. Or it could mean that you had a decent looking set of scores (36-36-36-36-36), but just that 10 other athletes moved up in the overall ranking because their scores were inflated.
@spinny You nailed my spot, I went from 50th in Crossfit to 60th in your rankings. I do agree that 1 bad workout should not keep an otherwise very fit person from regionals and some workouts you can be only a few reps off 1st and it could be 50+ positions. Maybe 18.5 will bring me higher in your rankings! What about just eliminating the lowest score though? For example, this year it would be your best 5 scores of 6. I really appreciate all the math you did and thought you put into this! I am glad there are other people out there that enjoy seeing this like I do!!
@sean33606 My original idea was to just take the top100 athletes and re-rank them against each other because I saw opportunities where the 13th place guy in a workout ended up 2437th overall, taking legitimate points away from legitimate athletes. Based on the outcome, I couldn't help but recalculate the whole thing.
@spinny Wow, thanks for the hard work.

I played around with a system whereby a mean and std dev were calculated for an event, and then a score was awarded based on an athlete's std dev in that event. The purpose of this was to capture the impact of exceptional performances (in either direction)

For example, let's say the average deadlift back at the ranch was 550, with a std dev of 30. Then Sam Dancer would get 2 points for being +2std dev. The guy destroyed the field but gets the same outcome as if he had lifted 30-40 fewer pounds.

Wonder if you've ever played with anything like that. Wouldn't really work in the Open though.

Again, great post.
@shonspawnel In the Olympics you get a gold medal by beating your opponent. Doesn't matter by how many pounds, or even if you set a record in the process. It's the only way to really measure people in competition.

It should be the same with CrossFit events. It's ok if you win the event without setting a PR, you're there to place one spot better than the next guy. If your 1000 lb deadlift puts you in first place, we shouldn't give you any extra bonus points for lifting 1001 lbs or even 1200 lbs.

I agree it's a shame that the guys who absolutely crush a single event don't get more credit, but this is a measure of overall fitness using different events because we don't have a conversion factor that says X strength = Y speed.
@spinny I think - but I'm not 100% sure - that the decathlon awards points based on absolute performance. For example, if a decathlete long jumps 24' 11", he gets ABC points.

If a better long jumper gets 25 feet or 29 feet, they both beat the 24' 11" guy. But a 29' jump will get more points. So there is some precedent, in the Olympics, to recognize dominance. The multi-event nature of the decathlon is the closest Olympic parallel to the CF Games. Just a thought.
@jony1996 North East

There was a broken page somewhere around page 309, so I might be missing 50 athletes. Also, since people have submitted some 18.5 scores I had to throw those out and remove the overall(CF) total points and rankings.

After looking at this data, I'm not convinced that it's right, so I don't trust the results for this region 100%, but it's here if you're interested in looking.
@spinny When you say next time, do you mean after all 18.5 scores have been submitted and validated or next years Open? Because I'm very curious in the NE Region. Thanks!
@spinny In the Redeemed and Dominant they talked a lot about how Ricky Garard took away Patrick Vellner's podium, but he also took away Luke McMahon's spot at the games. The 1RM clean for 18.2A means he now misses out on regionals this year.