[WEEKLY THREAD] Feats of Thorsday! Share your achievements with us! Don't be shy!


New member
Lift really big? Run really far? Finally get that yoga pose you've been struggling with? Perhaps you stuck to your fold plan and now know you can achieve it? Whatever your success, we want to know about it!

P.s. You break intergalactic xxfitness law if you preface your comment with "well it's not much but.." or anything similar! You've been warned!
@getupjohnnyboy Okay, it's not Thursday anymore, so I don't know if anyone will even see this, but I'm still really proud of hitting the big girl plates on my squats this week! I did 135 on Wednesday, and 140 today.
@getupjohnnyboy Went out to run the final run in the Zombies, Run! 5K program, finished the 5K, and decided to keep running. I did the 5K in 31:44 and ended up doing 7km in under 45! 3 months ago I had pretty much never run before (besides mandatory PE in school). Now I'm thinking about doing a 10K in December!

I'm also finally below the national mean weight for women in my home country, probably for the first time ever. I'm the smallest and fittest I remember being!
@getupjohnnyboy Finally benched 25kg. Without my bf spotting me. I've been feeling incredibly shit because I haven't added any weight to any lift in months. But I've been eating a bit more and focussing on accessory work.

I seriously felt so good about myself.
@getupjohnnyboy As sore as I was from the two previous day's training: Boxing class and morning PT session, I pushed through this morning and did 25 mins on the treadmill - 15 of which was continuous jogging (big deal alone for me!), and then continued on to do some leg weights - leg presses, thigh abductor, and also kettlebell lunges. Felt great afterwards...now pretty peckish though! :) great feats all!
@getupjohnnyboy Last night I finally bit the bullet and signed up for a gym membership at a really fantastic facility.

I have a really hard time actually starting anything that I want to do, and I've been researching and planning and scheduling and all that nonsense for - seriously - 9 months. I'm finally doing this!

I also am seeing a personal trainer for the next three weeks who is excited to be working with a girl that wants to lift! My trainer is a super awesome lady who competes in power lifting competitions, so I feel confident that I'll be getting good advice from her on getting strong. This also will force me to start since I've paid for this and made appointments, I can't back out. I think this is a great way for me to make this a habit.

Edit: I am illiterate and also self-deprecating.
@getupjohnnyboy I biked 32 miles last saturday! It's been a few years since I was doing any serious cycling so it felt good to get some real distance under my belt again. Then ate half a pizza. Still under my calorie goal.