Weight lifting makes me irritable (but running doesn’t)


New member
I’ve always gotten a bit irritable/cranky when lifting. I’m not raging or anything, just frustrated overall and uncomfortable sensory-wise (e.g., the feeling of my clothing starts to get uncomfortable). I also feel more self-conscious of my body when lifting for some reason — not even because I’m standing in front of the mirror, but even just when looking down at my legs between sets.

I thought this was normal and just something I had to deal with when working out, until I realized I feel SO much better after running in comparison. I’m not irritable at all, instead I just feel the runner’s high.

I really prioritize protein, and I never lift on an empty stomach. I’m also not pushing myself super hard either.

I know weight training is important, especially for petite women, so I’d love to be able to keep it up. Some things I’ve tried:
  • Lifting lighter
  • Eating a solid meal with carbs, protein, fat couple hours before working out
  • Taking longer rests between sets
  • Shorter sessions (30-45 minutes)
Nothing seems to help. I can’t tell if it’s a hormonal thing… Other posts have mentioned testosterone, blood sugar, or cortisol, but I wanted to see if you all had other ideas. I’m especially confused why it happens only while lifting but not if I’m running for 1.5-2 hours. I’m also still pretty irritable for the rest of the night, even after eating a large meal.
@hopeeternal I feel this. I find it tedious and I get irritable easily. I care about my bone density and I go with my bf so it’s not too bad. What I do is I lift then I run, so I end my workout with endorphins because like you, I enjoy running.

Maybe have a post workout routine to unwind and destress? Like a stretching routine that involves meditative breathing, maybe a calming playlist and a bath, any activity that you objectively love to do?
@sarahcbailey Yeah exactly, the health benefits of lifting are super important to me. I’ve learned if I keep it to only 2-3 sets after a run, it’s more bearable.

Oh man, I’ve tried yoga / even meditating after and I’m usually so grumpy I have to end early haha. I think for some reason or another the longer sessions of lifting heavier weight just don’t work for my body.
@hopeeternal I'm autistic and can't handle any mat work, meditation, yoga, pilates, etc. I want to jump out of my skin and clothes and run away. I get very irritable. Weirdly, I can handle weight lifting. I have no advice, just commiserations!
@hopeeternal I also enjoy cardio a lot more than lifting, and honestly the only two things that help me are wearing clothing that is comfortable and makes me feel good about myself (form fitting but not suffocating) and listening to comedy podcasts.
@kevin500 Do you also mostly have issues with clothing when lifting rather than with cardio? I can be wearing the same exact pair of leggings while doing both, but after the end of a lifting session, I can’t wait to get them off!
@hopeeternal I do! I think it’s maybe because running is such a repetitive motion that I get used to how everything feels and zone out, but lifting requires so much more specific body awareness that’s constantly changing. That’s why for lifting I try to avoid super loose/tight/scratchy/high neckline clothes.

Edit: but it’s seriously all about the comedy podcasts for me. Then at least one thing is making me happy.
@pollyjetix I’m not familiar with Athleta pants — would you say they’re more like legging or rain pants material? I saw that they’re water resistant, which made me worried about the fabric.
@hopeeternal I feel you, but the opposite. I would lift heavy for HOURS, but ask me to do 10 minutes of cardio and I’m a bear. I just hate it. It’s tedious and boring. lol.

I think sometimes you have to just lean into the suck and get it done.

I force myself to do 10 minutes of cardio at the end of my lifts because it’s good for me lol. And on a cut I’m generally a cranky person because I’m under fed and have to jack up the cardio.

I suspect we all have that one thing that’s good for us that we hate. Good luck OP!
@danieljames Same. Weightlifting is my high endorphin happy time. I’m a happy go lucky hulk smash.

I also run half marathons but I’m generally not happy about it, lol. If I wasn’t dealing with constant injury lately, I’d probably enjoy running more.
@ecumeni Yes, and it doesn’t make me as irritable. However, I really like how easy it is to see my progress with traditional weight lifting. May have to end up switching to calisthenics though since my body seems to tolerate it better.
@hopeeternal Ultimately whatever you can stick with long term is going to mean better results. Also, I’m just not a proponent of doing things that make you miserable when alternatives are available.
@hopeeternal You don’t have to force yourself to do weight lifting.

What works for me is pushing myself hard and doing circuit training. I go none stop for an hour. I pick 12 exercises, start around 12 reps and do 5 sets. I work my way up to 20 reps, then do harder exercises or add weight. Gets me some cardio and strength training.
@cph Yeah, I might have to try something else for strength training. It’s too bad because I love how heavy I can lift & the results I have had over time, but the irritability has gotten pretty unbearable.