Well priced treadmills for increasing walking at home? (UK)


New member
Hi everyone

My girlfriend is on a weight loss and fitness journey (she is currently 125kg rougly).

She is wanting to build up to an hour or so per day walking on a treadmill while watching tv.

Can anyone recommend or point us in the right direction?

We've looked at the following:


which you can connect to an app to walk through google maps i believe


which has a much more powerful motor

I know these both have a max weight of 110kg, but if she isn't running on it, should they be ok?

this one is 120kg:

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electric...887764?hash=item56cdea8b14:g:oSkAAOSwWI1d8dnV and also the cheapest!

Are there any others we should look at?