What’s a little trick that made a huge difference in your form?


New member
I have STRUGGLED with squats since I started lifting seriously about a year ago. I’m 120lbs and my PR is only 90lbs because I have some knee issues, poor ankle mobility, and tight hip flexors. Today my trainer told me to curl my toes under when doing barbell back squats. It was a little change but it made a big difference! Less knee pain and more drive through my heels.

What’s your little trick that really helped your form with one of your lifts?
@bkrolex Pullup like you’re trying to bend the bar in half. It really helps to engage the back especially for someone like me who couldn’t do it at all.
@bkrolex When I did my CrossFit level 1, the instructor told us how to cue a hip hinge for a kettlebell swing.

Pretend you’re bent, sticking your butt out to close the car door and someone comes up behind you and pokes you in the butt. That movement you would do if someone poked you (Your first instinct is to snap up and squeeze the cheeks) is the same movement as a swing.
@bkrolex Pretending I'm trying to push my shoulder towards the floor while doing single arm rows. It's literally impossible, but fixed all my form issues.
@bkrolex I have a few go to's

  • head shoulders knees and toes - singing it of course
  • strings pulling my nipples up
  • Push the ground away
Literally every shoulder exercise: back and down back and down back and down
@bkrolex I just started again after a long covid battle and I’m 125lbs and can only squat 40lbs…. 😢 I’m reading all these answers for myself.
@dawn16 keep up the good work! I apparently had covid and only found out after struggling through some heart and inflammation issues, which on my blood markers showed I'd recently had covid... So I'm currently in the long Covid boat. Previously I was squatting 80kg but now I'm back down to 40 because the chest pain gets too much. It sucks a lot and honestly I've nearly cried in the gym a couple of times because of how weak I feel now, but going to the gym and lifting as much as my body will allow right now is better than nothing, and I'll get back to where I was in the end hopefully.
@lovelife I’m sorry 😢 yeah covid was a beast for me to and messed with my energy, hormones and strength. I hope your heart issues improve quickly that is scary! I will continue as well but yes it’s very sad.
@bkrolex For squat: pretend there's a piece of paper on the floor between your feet. Then as you're squatting try ripping that paper in half with your feet. obviously don't slide your feet, but engage the muscles that would be required.

For bench press: squeeze your pinky finger very hard. Additionally, try bending the bar in half as if you're making a mountain pointing up

For deadlift: imagine when you are bending down and up you're trying to show your b-hole to the world
@bkrolex If you're struggling with squats as a beginner, start with sumo squats. You can open your legs as wide as you like, so it's less strenuous until your hips become stronger and more flexible to do more narrow squats. The biggest fault in squat form is hip weakness. Also holding a dumbbell or medicine ball infront of you before advancing to squat rack weights. Holding things Infront of us comes much more naturally
@bkrolex For me the “separating the floor” cue has always helped. Like pretend you’re stepping on a piece of paper and trying to rip it with both feet. It helps me feel my glutes more
@bkrolex when i'm doing bent over barbell rows, rolling my shoulders back activates my upper back to the next level. my lower back pain went away almost immediately