What’s your current routine?


New member
As we are going into 2022, im also starting to take my fitness more seriously. i would like to know what time of training split/style you guys use. (push pull legs, full body, etc.) the exercises you are doing currently. along with how you guys progressive overload the exercises you guys are doing (extra rep after 1 week)

most importantly i want to know how often you guys switch your routine up
and how you guys do it. (e.g. every 2 months, full body to push pull legs, change of exercises and variations, etc.)

i’m just trying to obtain information on everyone on the same journey as me and how i can apply what you guys are doing to myself.

as for me i’m currently doing a 2 days spit, 2 times a week, 4 working days.

4 sets pike push-ups
4 sets push-ups
4 sets leg assisted dips
3 sets tricep kickbacks
3 sets side lateral raises
4 sets pulse squats

4 sets chin-ups
4 sets body rows
4 sets barbell rows
3 sets bicep curls
4 sets romanian deadlifts
4 sets cal raises

i’m currently 17, 60kg, 171cm, 9 months into training.
@gineke PPL 6x per week with focus on hypertrophy/strenght. I always trained fullbody, but i gained muscle pretty fast after switching to PPL, i really enjoy it too, only downside is 6x per week, but with my lifestyle, its no problem to find 1 hour of free time daily for training
@gineke My approach to training is to focus most of my time on the big compound lifts that work multiple muscle groups as they’ll give you the best value for money/bang for buck. The supporting muscles will follow. E.g. I can’t remember last time I curled a dumbbell and my arms are best shape they’ve even been just through doing the basic compounds.

I don’t like to do many exercises as theres so many, I like to keep my training simple.

I do like 80% body weight. My advice would be whether it’s weights or bodyweight (a mix of both is best) to focus on the basics and to not over complicate it. My typical days are as follows:

Push: variety of variations of push-ups, dips and some incline bench.

Pull: Pull-ups and maybe some barbell rows

Legs: front squats, hamstring curl and calf raises

My advice would be to focus on the basics, look to increase reps to each exercises you choose and difficulty. Either by progressing to harder variations e.g diamond push-ups or adding weight.

Adding weight to the basics was a game changer for me. With push-ups variations are sufficient to keep them challenging but I’d strongly recommend a weight belt for pull-ups when you are comfortable.

Kinda went off on one there lol. Does this help you at all?
As an absolute beginner I am reading a lot and stick as much as I can to the Primer Routine. In that Primer Routine there is much attention to the core exercises Dead Bug and Birddog, integrating proper breathing. With my (still) limited understanding I wonder how you address your core in your routine. Is it a part of your Push-, Pull- and Leg exercises? Thanks for your post anyway. I wish you many gains in 2022 as well.
@jamaster15 I don’t really train my core separately. One of my favourite things about bodyweight exercises such as pull-ups and push-ups is they also work your core at the same time. With my schedule primarily focussed on BW I’m basically training my core on a daily basis.

Throwing some separate sore work into mix defiantly won’t go a miss as a stronger core will help you progress with other bodyweight exercises.

I will probably look at adding some specific core-focussed exercises this year as this will only improve my bodyweight game.
@dawn16 Thank you for your response. For now I concentrate on my BWF Primer till can perform proper pull-ups and push-ups, integrating breathing technique is challenging enough for me…