What’s your favorite physical activity?


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Hey ladies! There are all sorts of ways to get our bodies up and moving. I was curious on what’s your preferred activity? Are you making the progress you’d like to make? Is there something new you’d like to try? I have friends that want to lose weight and move more, but a lot of people think that the gym is the only place you can go to exercise. Sometimes the gym can be a miserable place, so let share what we do.

I do weight training at least 3 days a week. I love the idea of getting stronger and gaining muscle weight. I started working out at 19, I am 5’2 and I was about 95lbs for years. I was uncomfortable in my body, I was small and weak. Now I’m 28 and weight about 130. This is the best shape I’ve ever been in. I can bench 95lbs, I’m hopeful that I can reach 135lbs by the end of the year. I can squat 165lbs and lunge 180.

But I also love to run! I run three times a week. 1 short run (1-2 miles) one medium distance (3-6 miles) and a long run (8-13 miles). I take my dog to the trails three days a week and we walk about 2 miles. I also take my dogs on a hike at least twice a month when the weather is good.

I’m hoping this year I can get back into Pilates. I enjoy the challenge of something different, but the classes can be expensive! I like that I can feel girly at Pilates and the bonding experience of a class. I might get back into HIIT classes this summer. I wasn’t a huge fan of them last year. It seems like a lot of work to get my heart rate up. If I want cardio I’ll go for a run. I did a few olympic style weight training classes and loved it! But it felt like a great way for injury.

I do want to try sky barre or aerial fitness class. They look like fun. What are you ladies doing? Anything fun that I should try?
@ludlow I danced for about 10 years on and off as a kid/young teen and loved it and then I started to feel shy and anxious and stopped and I always thought about getting back into it but I’m worried I will also suck now haha
@g3ntl3w4rri0r I do a couple of sports but my favourite right now is pole dance. The unfortunate thing is it is an expensive sport. It’s a full body workout of stamina, stability, strength and flexibility. And the more one advances, the more advance moves requires a lot of flexibility. So to progress you end up having to take up more side classes like flex classes and more 😆

And I can’t speak for others but it’s an addiction right now for me. I literally will look at my home pole and bust out something daily
@g3ntl3w4rri0r My favorite activity would definitely be wrightlifting, followed by hiking or walking. My weekly routine:
  • 3 weight sessions (1-1.5hrs)
  • 15k minimum steps daily
  • 2-3 jogs or bike rides (anywhere from 30-90 minutes)
  • 30mins. Incline walking after each weight session
  • 1 bodyweight workout
  • 1 zumba/spin class (if I have time)
@g3ntl3w4rri0r I’ve been lifting for over 20yrs and that’s definitely my favorite. I was a college swimmer so that will always have a special place in my heart but I usually only get a chance to do it in the summer. I’m a runner but that’s a love/hate relationship, lol.
@g3ntl3w4rri0r Long distance running is my first love, and most of what I do is in support of that. I run 4-5 days a week and try to do a few half marathon races each year (trying to do one in all 50 states eventually).

I also love love love Lagree! I’ve been practicing for almost 5 years and I’ve been teaching for almost a year now. It’s a great complement to running, wonderful for core strength, and makes me feel so strong. It’s also helped me to prevent injuries, which has been nice.

I recently started incorporating one F45 class per week, usually a resistance or hybrid class. The HIIT style is a fun change of pace, and I like the ability to go heavy and work my muscles in a different way than I do in Lagree. I might try to bump it up to 2 classes a week after my next race, but taking it slow for now because the DOMS is real and I don’t want to add to much during my peak mileage weeks.
@g3ntl3w4rri0r I’ve been doing CrossFit almost 5 years and I love it.

I also like to hike

I’d love to try something like pole or reformer Pilates, but I’d have to drive 1.5 hrs for a class .
I’d like to do more yoga, but have a hard time making it to a class. I just do better in class settings.

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