What’s your relationship with alcohol?

@dubschanging I had a trip in January (the last time I drank) and I was getting happy tipsy while playing Jenga with friends.. I guess I could also just do it without alcohol but it does help me take it easy a bit better
@cdlara381 I probably have 1 sometimes 2 beers a week.

I see it as a little treat as I like the taste but I don't really like being drunk (ironic username I know).

That said not everything I consume is good for me. I know drinking isn't but like with everything else it's about moderation. Anything can be good or bad for you in the right amounts.
@cdlara381 I'm alcohol intolerant. It feels like a rock in my stomach and I get really bloated and uncomfortable. It doesn't make me physically sick, but I feel pretty miserable until it passes. I've never been big on drinking because I don't like the taste of alcohol but over the last year or so I've started actively avoiding it in social situations, and will instead have soda water with lime or some kind of mocktail. At the moment I'm not swearing it off forever, I'll probably have a drink once or twice a year for special occasions if I want to, but it does nothing for me so why bother with it?

Last time I got drunk was in October. I had time to prepare, which for me just means loading up with carbs to soak up the alcohol, and also made sure to have a snack at least once over the course of the evening.
@cdlara381 I drink a light beer every night, apparently it's good for kidney stones and those will probably kill me next time. (my gp and urologist like the idea)

I sometimes have two drinks when I'm out with friends or I'll mix a drink at home once a month. Once or twice a year I'll have "extra" drinks.
@cdlara381 My relationship with alcohol is: why should I consume bad-tasting poison that makes it harder to think straight?

If I want to be a 'fun' social person, I will get myself into the childlike headspace of being outgoing, friendly, and usually entertaining (aka attention-seeking). Usually I need to stay present and go with the flow. It doesn't work if I'm not feeling comfortable or positive, so some kind of mood-boosting, energizing activity beforehand, like exercise or singing, can help with that.

The first step to adopting the right headspace is either letting myself be openly curious about people, or be willing to talk about myself and my interests. This also works in day-to-day social interactions as a mode I can adopt to make people feel appreciated.

If I'm not feeling particularly social, and there's a significant music presence, I can always start dancing and entertain that way. If I don't feel up to entertaining anyone or making new connections, I likely won't bother attending the social thing.