What are your favorite ways to cook tempeh?


New member
I’ve been eating plant-based for eight years and in the last year and a half have been trying to put on mass and strength. At first I just drastically increased my protein intake by eating way more beans/legumes which absolutely wrecked my digestive system. After reading many posts here I switched to eating much more tofu and tempeh which are easier on my body. However I’m finding that I have limited ways to prep tempeh (tofu is more versatile to me), and I’m getting a bit bored with it. I typically make it in an asian-inspired stir fry, and sometimes I’ll do a tamari/balsamic marinade. Do y’all have other ways you like to make tempeh, or other flavor profiles?
@evnhope Tempeh bacon! Cut into strips, marinate in equal parts soy sauce & liquid smoke with some maple syrup and a splash of acv. Let it sit for an hour before cooking. I love a TLT with sprouts & avocado
@evnhope I pan fry until golden dumplings it in a bowl and pour a bbq sauce over it. Then make a sandwich with that.

I’ve also pan fried it and finished it with better that bouillon veggie bouillon then popped it into noodle and veggies soup. That almost worked. I think I would use small cubes in the future
@evnhope Lemon pepper marinade to throw on toast or into pasta. Honestly, sometimes I just cube or crumble it, hit it with some salt and pepper, and toast in the oven until it's golden and crispy to use as like...a salad crouton or a pleasantly nutty addition to pasta/a grain bowl.
@evnhope Steam it for a few minutes to take the bitterness away. Crumble it into a pan and fry it with onions and jalapenos, then dump a packet of taco seasoning and water on it. Cook until it thickens. Use it as filling for burrito or taco... along with rice beans, guac... whatever.
@sharbysyd I hated it till I started to steam it. Now I really enjoy the taste. No idea how steaming made such a massive difference. No matter how I cook it, steaming is the first step.
@evnhope I cook tempeh in my InstantPot. Add a half-cup of water into the basin. Insert the tempeh in a metal basket. Manually cook for 10 minutes. Comes out perfect.
@evnhope Honestly my fav easy way is to dice it up into 6 strips from 1 package, and marinade them in some type of Teriyaki sauce, then throw them in the oven at 375F for 40mins. Use parchment paper obviously.
@evnhope You have to steam tempeh in my opinion, to get the bitterness out. I cut or crumble, put in a microwave sage dish with a lid, vented, for 5 min. Then drain and use.

Last night I sautéed with some onions and added to a curry. It was really good. I also love sliced and marinated for Fajitas, or marinated in Buffalo sauce.