What are your go to exercises for core work?


New member
I’m getting short on time to workout, I normally get to the gym during my lunch break. I’ve decided to change my routine and I want to add core/ab workouts 15 min at the end of my general workout M/W/F, so I need suggestions for good core/ab exercises that I can utilize to hit that muscle group in a short amount of time. I’ve tried 15-20 ab workouts before, I’ve never been able to stick to them. I’ve found I enjoy workouts that allow me to progress and increase weight, so I’d really like your suggestions on dynamic movements where I can progressively add more weight and overload the muscles for the best results. Seeing everyone progress has really motivated me and I want to really make some positive changes. Thank you!
@ttcmacro I do two ab exercises on my leg days then I'll sprinkle another ab or core exercise during the week if I either have the energy or my abs aren't sore.

Ab hypertrophy on leg day: Reverse crunch on a decline bench(slow and controlled descent making sure to round the back on the way up, I get these done fairly fast and the contraction is absurd, can always add dumbbells between your feet or leg weights, add partials at the end or adjust bench height if the exercise is too hard) + kneeling cable crunches(I get to load these really heavy, once again slow and controlled). I take these to failure and rarely ever take longer than 8-10 minutes to finish both of these exercises.

Random ab exercise on random days: hanging leg raises with dumbbells between the feet(slow and controlled making sure to round the back on the way up)

Core: Unilateral barbel deadlift(suitcase deadlift) or unilateral farmer's hold/carry, if I feel like doing something that's more extra I'll do turkish get ups.

Edit: I don't do these anymore but offset deadlifts are lowkey kind of fire too for the core.
Update: tried these suggestions yesterday. Oh man core was burning! Still feeling sore today. Is that normal?