What does your warm up look like?

@newbeginning1996 Active stretching, at least 15 minutes. Lots of work on the floor. For upper body days I focus on back and shoulders. Lower body days focus on lower body but especially hamstring and ankles. Lately also been doing jumprope before all my workouts.

I also do a bar weight only set first to make sure I lock in good form before adding weight.
@newbeginning1996 I usually do some treadmill or elliptical for 3-5 minutes. I’ve recently started doing 5 minutes of jump rope some days and it’s honestly a lot harder than I expected lol
@newbeginning1996 15-20 squats, 5 burpees, 5 chin ups, 10 push ups, 10 leg raises.

With empty barbell - 10 rows, 10 overhead presses, 10 squats, 10 RDLs.

If I have time 10-15 minutes on treadmill or bike, easy pace.
@newbeginning1996 Static stretching, unweighted lunges and squats, plank (takes about 5 min) and then progressively adding weight to my first exercise

Sometimes I do 5 min stairmaster and a few stretches then get to it (again slowly adding weight)
@newbeginning1996 I have been lifting for 30+ years and always warm up with my primary lift of the day at lighter weights like you laid out. In between warm-up sets I will do ab rollouts (between 3-5 sets), lunges (with and without weights), and other dynamic stretches (without bands, but to get my hips, calves, knees, lower back etc... mobile).

I don't really vary this based on my primary lift for the day.
@newbeginning1996 My warmup is there to prepare me for the workout. So, it depends!

Yes, it definitely changes depending on what lifts I'll do that day. For, say, deadlifts, I don't do anything specific. If I'll be squatting, I might do a little bit of stuff to warm up my hips. If I'll be doing overhead work (snatches, jerks, etc) I have a little shoulder warmup routine I do.

In general:
  • if I have a body part that gets cranky when I do certain lifts, I'll spend some extra time on it in warmups. This is why I do some hip stuff before squatting. If my hip is bothering me, I'll do more. If it hasn't been bothering me lately, I might skip those.
  • if there's something where mobility will help me do the exercise better, I do a mobility warmup for that body part. For me this is overhead shoulder stuff. My workouts go WAY better when I warm up my shoulders than when I don't, so that's a no-brainer.
I don't like to spend more than 5-10 minutes warming up, but the whole idea is that you do what you need to. I know people who will spend half an hour or more on their warmup. And if it makes them lift better or if they just happen to enjoy doing it, good for them! For me, I'll do the minimum that gets me ready to lift.
@newbeginning1996 Every big lift I start with a set with the empty bar. Mix it up with faster reps, paused reps etc. Then add one plate at a time up to working weight. I find it crazy how folks will jump straight to a 100kg squat with no warm-up even when I go well past that.
@newbeginning1996 I’ve had an ongoing battle with overuse injuries since crossing 30, but incorporating a dynamic warm up has vastly improved things and I feel great. I spend about 10-15 minutes on the warm up. I start with 2-3 minutes of light jogging or biking, then do some calisthenics that hit every joint for about 10-12 reps, just using body weight. I do arm circles in both directions, lunges, squats, leg lifts, hip circles and neck circles, then move onto side shuffles, grape vines, and some skipping. Be very gentle, especially with the neck circles, and go slow to start. Let your body wake up gradually. I have the space to do this down a long hallway, but in place would work too. You’ve got it!
@newbeginning1996 I use a weighted bar (~30lbs), not a barbell - one of those padded, shorter ones and just do a bunch of clean and presses, RDLs, squats, lunges and then some twists at the end. Seems to work well for me and gets me into a simple, repeatable routine before training. I also do some dead hangs before and after my bar warmup, focusing on my shoulder joints (had a bad shoulder injury years ago).
@newbeginning1996 About 5 minutes of walking lunges, BW squats, walking and jumping, a few push ups, and some light stretching. Then a warm up set (or two) of whatever bigger compound move I am doing first.
@newbeginning1996 Years of practicing martial art does tell me that stretching them muscles can never go wrong. So my gym sessions for strength training always includes 5-8 minutes stretching. And end the gym session with another. Stretch, then do a light 10 minute run, then lift. I still get back pain if i push a bit heavier weight, for 2 or 3 days.
@newbeginning1996 I workout in the morning so after coffee I walk the dogs at a very casual pace. My first exercise is always a heavy compound. I just start with the bar and add weight and decrease reps until I get to my working weight. So for bench I'll do bar x15-30, 95x10-15, 135x8-10, 185x5-8, 225x1-3, working weight. This isn't remotely challenging for me and only takes a couple of minutes. I've been doing this for years and haven't really had any injuries. I'll get the occasional elbow or shoulder flare up but I attribute that to martial arts and boxing.
@newbeginning1996 Here's mine! Day 1 my focus is trap deads, day 2 is sprinting, day 3 single leg and pull, day 4 is whatever I feel like.

Day 1 sets x reps/time
Side shuffle 2 x 30s
Leg swings with support 1 x 10
Inch worms 1 x 5
Worlds best stretch 1 x 5 each
Lunge Matrix 1 x 5 each
Bodyweight squats 1 x 10
Forward pogo hops 1 x 10
Backward pogo hops 1 x 10
zig zag pogo hops 1 x 10
Lateral pogo hops or jumps 1 x 10

Day 2

Leg swings with support 1 x 10 e
Leg cradle 1 x 10 e
Warmup lower body, big movement patterns 1 x 10 each
Single leg easy hops - forward, backward, side to side, zig zag 1 x 10 each
High knee Switches 2 x 20 yards
Butt Kickers 2 x 20 yards
High Feet 2 x 20 yards
Sprint 80% 2 x 80%
Sprint 90% 2 x 90%

Day 3

World's Best Stretch 1 x 5e
Inch worm with Pushup 1 x 5
Side shuffle/carioca/jump rope/fun 1 x 60s
Single leg Hip bridges 1 x 10e
Scapular CARs from plank 1 x 5e
Uncommon Lunge matrix 1 x 5 e
Side shuffle/carioca/jump rope/fun 1 x 60s

Day 4

Easy jog 60s
Warmup lower body, big movement patterns 10
easy skips fwd and bwd 2 x 20 yard