"What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

@brokenhearted822 Oh cool, so you're actually eating over 2000 per day? How do you burn so many calories as a petite person? Everything I've seen shows that even active I'd be burning 1600-1800 at reasonable weights for me?
@joyinyah If you lost 40 pounds in 2 months, which is ALOT in a short period of time, this means you were in a 2000 calorie deficit per day. How many calories were you eating? Your resting metabolic rate, which is what you'd burn just lying in bed all day, should be more than 1800 calories at a weight of 234. So you burn a lot more than you think.
@brokenhearted822 I used to average around 4000 kcal per day, so a lot of the initial weight loss was just sheer volume of food, lol... and lots of water weight loss.

I've been eating an average of 1440 kcal per day.

But I was talking about what my tdee would be at like 120-130 lbs... it always gives around 1600 to 1800 for that.

Again, I'm losing weight fine for now (really great actually!) I'm more thinking about what skills I need to learn/adapt to for the future!
@joyinyah Ok, makes sense. If you want to be able to eat more when you're at 120 lbs, you need to lift weights. I lift heavy weights for 45 minutes and walk a lot throughout the course of my day (6 miles on average). You're losing weight very quickly now but a lot of it could be muscle, which will slow down your metabolism eventually.

Congrats on your progress thus far and keep it going!
@brokenhearted822 Oh gosh, yeah... I'm nowhere near that physically active lol. I'm disabled but I've regained a lot of mobility lately!! But nowhere near that much. I've just gotten to where I can average maybe 3000 steps per day!

But that all makes sense, and hopefully I can be that active eventually!!

Thank you, this is all really helpful!!
@joyinyah Hiya!

I'm still in the process of reaching "healthy" weight, almost there after loosing 40lbs! I decided to maintain at my current weight for a couple months (ouf, almost been half a year now) cause I needed a break, and I stayed within a +/- 4lb range during maintenance, so..

Typically in a normal day I eat:

breakfast : 2 eggs, a small (3 soup-spoons out of the container) greek vanilla yogourt and a banana.

lunch : mostly veggies with hummus, or some soup, or some crackers with tuna and cheese, or one left over slice of pizza, things like that.

Bigger evening meal: usually some stir-fry with lots of veggies, pad thai, or porc chop with veggies.. I usually cook once or twice a week to make that evening meal in a big batch and portion it out. basically, I'll put one portion of about 100g of the protein choice of the week in a 2-cup tupperware, and fill the rest of it up with veggies.

that's about what I eat for the day. If I really feel the need for a snack, my go-to is an apple.

If I'm hanging out with friends for lunch I'll get my bigger meal then, and just snack on veggies or something light in the evening if I need it.

My activity level is 10 min of stretching daily, and a long 2h walk around town with a walking-buddy a couple times a week.

I think I'm soon about ready to loose again, so my meal plan will be the above, but actually counted and tracked for real instead of guestimated, with more training.
@jennycasono That sounds way better than what I'm eating lol!

Also, congrats on the loss AND the maintenance!! Do you have much farther to go?

If I'm hanging out with friends for lunch I'll get my bigger meal then, and just snack on veggies or something light in the evening if I need it.

I... literally never think of changing things around to fit my day, lol. Maybe that's part of the problem 🤔

Thank you for responding! This is all very helpful!
@joyinyah To be in the healthy range for my size/age according to generic charts, I still need to drop 10lbs.

My current weight is actually lower then I ever remember being, so it's hard to say what my ultimate goal weight should be.. aiming for healthy and fit and able to go on hikes and *do things* and feeling good in my body, all of which I currently somewhat able to do, which is one of the reasons I decided to give myself a break and maintain :)

Next goal will be more fitness related, like pushups or pullups or some specific goal, with a side of loosing some more weight :)
@jennycasono Oh wow, congrats! It sounds like you're doing awesome and being smart about it!

Meanwhile I still need to lose about 100lbs to be anywhere near healthy... sigh.

Ah well, I did it to myself, I suppose.

Anyway, I hope you continue to be super successful!! And thank you again for the help/advice!!
@joyinyah 5’2” CW 121, 64 years old 😬.
Yesterday’s food ( I track on my Fitbit)
Coffee with one scoop vanilla whey protein, no sugar.
Bkfst: Flatout lite wrap with 2T crunchy almond butter and a banana.
Lunch: Mixed lentil, wild rice bean soup with 4 oz of Rotisserue chicken and brocc/cauliflower

Fudgsicle 😁

Dinner: Two scrambled eggs on a skinny bagel.

I track calories, and aim for 1300-1400. When I go out to dinner, I choose salmon or chicken with vegetables, starch.

Yes, we can’t eat as much, but we also don’t need as much.
@soulrevive Apple nectarine fudgsicle are 3 words I've never heard put together before and omg sounds so amazing!

I also feel like your breakfast would be something I'd crace around lunchtime lol 😋

Thank you for all the great information, especially what you plan when you go out! That's usually really hard for me to figure out!!
@soulrevive Omg I'm so disappointed, I wanted that to be a thing so badly I manifested it in my mind.

Amd omg wow, really? Only 40 calories? That's less than my diet treats!!!
@joyinyah Hi! I’m 4’10.5”, female, 115lbs. sedentary due to chronic pain condition and almost 33 yrs old.

I find Intermittent fasting works well and once used to it it comes naturally (but I am able to be flexible). So sometimes my fasting period is 12 hours, sometimes 13, 14 or 16 hours. Whatever feels right that day.
The earlier I get up the shorter my fast is. Today was an early day (shorter fast).

This is a look at my schedule of eating and typical meals i have four days/week when I work early.

Breakfast 6:30/7:00ish am- yerbaé stevia sweetened energy drink, three small eggs scrambled into an omelette (est between 180 and 210 cals) with some vegan cheese (60 cals) and wrapped in an egglife wrap 25 cals).

Then I drink lots of water/tea/zevia soda/and sometimes an iced almond milk coffee with sugar free sweetener.

Lunch 2pm: an egglife wrap (25), deli chicken (100), spinach, tomato, pickles (20ish), and miracle whip (40) or honey mustard (30). Sometimes a side of berries.

Snack 3:30pm: cashew milk unsweetened yogurt (40 cals) with chia seeds added (I don’t count Chia seeds calories because they go right through me. I consider them an insoluble fiber), stevia vanilla creme drops, some stevia chocolate chips (20 cals) and a few berries on top.

Dinner5:30ish: lately I’ve been making bison burger patties. 190 cals for 1/4 lb. Wrapped in egglife wrap(25). Catsup, mustard, pickles.
Big bowl of berries with a dollop of vegan yogurt or vegan whip cream.

(I usually eat 1300 ish to 1400 ish for maintenance).

Other breakfasts I like to eat are:
Giant bowl of berries (100) and a few tablespoons of yogurt sweetened with vanilla stevia (20 ish calories?) a sprinkle of stevia choc chips (20) and anout two tbsp of granola (calories depend on brand).

A different breakfast i like is a 100 cal oatmeal packet mixed with cocoa powder prepared. A handful of stevia choc chips (50) and then I stew some berries in water on the stove and add a corn starch slurry to get a pie filling consistency and put them on the oats. Sometimes i add a few dollops of yogurt. (About 250-300 cals).

Another go-to dinner for me is a sushi bowl and soup. I make a quick broth and add a few veggies of whatever is on hand and eat it first. Then my main meal is a bowl of rice (I do 1/4 cup + 2tbsp dry short grain rice for about 210 cals) and add seasonings when it is done cooking. I top with a tuna or salmon packet (packed in water, not oil, so 70 cals) and add some cut up nori sheets. This usually is extremely filling. Sometimes i cut ip cucumbers and a quarter of an avocado (40). The sauce is about 1.5 tbsp miracle whip (60) plus a few drops of sriracha. About 400 cals.

Yesterday I had my omlette wrap for breakfast. Then got a restaurant burger pattie (no bun or cheese, so about 300 cals) and fries (300) with honey mustard (60).

I wasn’t too hungry later in the evening but was peckish so I had some yogurt with berries and some chicken lunch meat.

PS- I do eat carbs, as evidenced by the fries and the rice. But I’m allergic to wheat flour and dairy which is why I don’t really consume bread. When I have gluten-free bread it’s like a luxury, but the bread adds so many calories and is really calorie dense. I prefer to follow volumeeating principles because then I feel fuller throughout the day. So g/f bread is a treat for me.

I pretty much eat my weight in berries. Lol. Breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks etc.

I trade my proteins around (lean meats like bison, grass fed beef 85/15, venison, salmon, tilapia, tuna).

My starches are usually potatoes, rice, wild rice, oats, or sweet potatoes.

Once a week I let myself have a sweet treat with actual sugar in it. Like chocolate mousse or the local café has these delicious peanut butter chocolate scocharoo bars. But sugar is addictive to me so i have to try hard to have self control with it.
@dawn16 Oh wow, thank you so so much for writing all that out... so many ideas!! And yummy ones too!

I was going to ask about the egg life wraps but then you said about the allergy thing.

I really appreciate the protein examples!! I struggle with proteins a lot... like... basically all I eat for protein anymore is tuna, chicken breast, and ground turkey, 😆 Might try working in some of your examples for variety!!

Also loving the berry idea... I have recently grown to really like berries so that should help!

I wish I had more to say cause you said so much, lol... thank you again!!
@joyinyah I’m glad to help! Feel free to dm me if you ever need ideas or suggestions or anything.

I used to be really bad about protein too. I was basically eating just tuna, salmon, eggs, and protein shakes. Had two different medical professionals tell me that I needed to start eating more red meat, and more wild foods. So I discovered that I love bison way more than ground beef but ground beef tends to be cheaper… And venison is delicious 🤤
@dawn16 Yeah I struggle with protein so so much lol... like... it used to be way worse. I was using peanut butter and cheese for protein last time I tried to lose weight!!

I'll look qt some more meat sources lol... thanks again!