What is your lifting/cardio routine?


New member
Does anyone lift and or run every day? If so, how did you get to that point?

I’m currently lifting M/W/F, running Tue/Thurs/Sun (big run on Sunday after two days rest from running.) I’m looking to build more muscle and burn more, but am trying to figure out what is realistic. Would love to hear about others’ routines.

@michaelo I follow Caroline girvan’s epic I program right now and do cardio 3-4 days a week in either running or stair master at the gym. Cardio I do off of feel and may do a 5k or hit the stair master for 30min then walk. So yes, sometimes it will be two workouts in a day. I typically do CG during the day (I WFH) then my husband will get home from work and I’ll go to the gym with him to help support/keep him motivated too. At first I would just walk on days I already did the program on a treadmill, but then I got bored and started running.

Honestly, it’s taken me years to get to this point. You can’t Over exhaust yourself. Eating healthy is just as important. Motivation to have a good heart is just as important as looking good and having mirror muscles. I can’t do back-to-back routines; having the workouts separated by 4 hours works for me best. I’m 33F, 5’2.5”, 121lbs (up from 114lbs because I just came back from my honeymoon and I’m still living it up)!
@mayne70 Awesome, thank you for the note about how progress is a long-game. It’s nice to hear that idea reinforced. I’m overweight and losing pounds, but it’s been an absolute slog and I’ve been at it for months. I keep telling myself to just stick to habits, and it’s working; I’m starting to live a lifestyle where I’m active all the time and I feel great.

On days that I lift, I’ll also try to get in at least a two mile walk. Maybe I’ll try for longer ones.

You’re the second person to say Caroline Girvan! I’ll have to check her out.

@michaelo Mon/Wed I lift

Tue/Thur is walking as cardio and on those two days one session of beat saber + hula hooping. (Thursday is easier cardio bc down down below lol.)

Fri-Sun i work retail so its a combo of lifting/cardio. it rlly gets my heart rate up/blood pumping
@fratereao Omg I'm so happy to see someone else mention beat saber! It's currently my cardio of choice. I'm trying to do 10-20 minutes a day on the treadmill after my lifting sessions but when I get home it's beat saber for 1-2 hours. Definitely 2 if I didn't lift that day. The time just flies by and before you know it you're drowning in sweat.
@llleopard I started playing right around when the game released (May 2018), and eventually started trying ranked maps and just played a lot, and took on more challenging maps as I improved. The best way to improve is just play more, and then start gradually trying more and more ranked maps - but ranked isn't everything and I think the best way to become a better player is to play a little of all kinds of maps.

I eventually branched out into other games (Pistol Whip, Audica, Synth Riders) when my wrists really needed a break from Beat Saber. I just love VR rhythm and active VR games in general!
@michaelo M/Tues lift Wed. Rest. Th lift. Fri run only. Sat/sun lift then run (if I have time)

I follow Caroline girvan…borderline obsessed

41 5’1” 117-120 sz 0/2 …would love to get to 115, but it’s hard for me to stay that low…I like food and enjoying life 🙂

Your routine sounds good tho!
@ocean_soul Your routine is identical to the one I've adopted over the last six weeks and it's working really well for me. Working on week 5 of Epic Heat right now.
@michaelo I change mine up every few months. When I’m training for a half marathon I lift M/W/F and run T/Th with a long run on Saturday. When I get burned out on running I weight lift Mon-Fri and throw an easy run on to the end of my workouts. I eventually start itching to run longer distances again and sign up for another half marathon…
@megusta Nice - As someone who runs half-marathons, how long is your easy run?

I used to hate running, but it truly feels awesome and is so good for mental health.
@michaelo MWF I do MAPS Anabolic (dumbbell version because I am a beginner). i also do 12-3-30 (max 2x per week) on the treadmill if i feel like being very sweaty.

But I recently got COVID and it destroyed my strength. I had to go down in weights and I have to work out slower compared to pre-COVID…
@michaelo I usually do 4-5 lifting session per week

2 are legs, then I try to do stair stepper after if I have time

3 upper body, then I do sprints for cardio and abs

Then I usually aim for two rest days but if I feel up for it I run one of those days and do abs!
@michaelo I exercise everyday!

Monday, Wednesday, Fri- Lift. I followed Thinner leaner stronger 3 day split. Normally it takes me 1.5 hours max. I will also do pull ups on these days as well on top of the program. Having a home gym makes things a lot easier.

Tues: Pole dance for 2 hours

Thurs, Sat and Sunday: Muay Thai for 1.5 hours.

I have been lifting and doing Muay Thai since late 2015. Pole dance is a recent addition.

I'm 4ft11 110lbs.