What is your lifting/cardio routine?

@michaelo I lift Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday and do around 300 calories of cardio on the off days. I also try to get 11,000 steps each of those days. It's definitely a little hard to make time for it especially since I have to work in person 2 days a week now. I have lost 10 pounds since January since I've been in a bit of a deficit but it's hard work!
@michaelo I train glutes and core M/W/Sat, upper body + incline walking on the tread (12/3/30 method) on Tues, full body strength on Thursday. Friday is rest day and then Sunday I usually do a HIIT/intervals run. My focus is on building my glutes so I’m light on cardio.
@michaelo I lift Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday/Sunday. And do a peloton ride monday/Wednesday/friday. Usually my peloton rides are short, like 20 minutes.

I try to walk my dogs everyday for 30-60 minutes. Depending on the day.
@michaelo I lift 5 days a week, 2 upper and 3 lower. Usually takes about an hour, then I do 20-30 minutes of cardio (a mix of walk/run on the treadmill).

I started lifting at home last fall with a set of adjustable dumbbells and an adjustable bench, starting with 3 days a week. After I finished that program, I went to a 4 day program, and then 5 after that. After the indoor mask mandate ended, I joined the gym and started the current program I'm on, which has me doing barbell and machine exercises I couldn't do at home (deadlift, squat, leg press, etc.), and is SO much more fun than all the dumbbell stuff I was doing before lol.

I've been going in the mornings to avoid the bigger crowds. Having to superset while there are so many people around makes me anxious; I hate feeling like an equipment hog haha.
@michaelo I do caroline girvan too but don't necessarily follow her 5 days a week program. I spread it out more but try to work out at least 3 days a week. It took me about 3.5 months to finish her epic heat program instead of 10 weeks but I'm okay with that. I try to also get 6-10k steps a day then throw in some yoga sessions throughout the week! Now I'm trying to pick up running too and going for at least once a week
@michaelo 4-5 days lifting (Lifting at Home, by Stephanie Sanzo), 1 day cardio.

Usually 2 upper body, 2 lower body with one optional butt, barbell or full body day. (45-70 minutes each)

I alternate upper & lower body days with rest / cardio in between. So for example Upper Body Monday, Lower Body Tuesday, Rest/Cardio Wednesday, Upper body Thursday, Lower Body Friday, rest/cardio Saturday, Glute or barbell workout Sunday.

I do 45 minutes of low intensity stationary bike cardio once a week to aid recovery and for general heart health.

I also do 16:8 IF most days, minimum 14 hour fasts.
And I do CICO, currently working on finding true maintenance calories.

Edit: For reference, I'm 34 years old, 5'4 and 110lb and very sedentary outside my workouts.
@michaelo I work out about 4-5 days a week. Each day is a mix of cardio and lifting. I do 20-30 mins of cardio then 20-30 mins of lifting, each day has a specific focus for lifting upper, lower, & core. I had to work up to an hour, I started with 30 mins and split it in half and now I do about 40mins to an hour each day depending on how I feel!
@michaelo I work out about 4-5 days a week. Each day is a mix of cardio and lifting. I do 20-30 mins of cardio then 20-30 mins of lifting, each day has a specific focus for lifting upper, lower, & core. I had to work up to an hour, I started with 30 mins and split it in half and now I do about 40mins to an hour each day depending on how I feel!
@michaelo I lift 2-3 days (sometimes I will just do cardio instead on one of those days but that is resistance bike then treadmill), do at home abs or HIIT 1x a week, and just take long walks or go hiking when the weather is nice.

EDIT: however I will be starting Caroline girvan’s beginner epic later this month then starting her epic I program so I can have more structure since I’ve not been getting the jello feeling from the gym in awhile - I even gathered some family and friends to join and made a group chat for accountability. :)
@michaelo Depending on my schedule with appointments after work and whatnot, I typically run M, W, Saturday, and lift Tues/Thursday with Friday and Sunday as rest days (some weeks I mix it up and lift M-W-F and run Tues/Thurs/Sat but I always take Sunday off).