What motivates you to workout? [x-post from /r/fitness)

@nickribinson Ah... As a happily married 30+ dude w/ kids, I find little correlation between my swole and opportunities for copulation. In terms of boning, I'd be better off skipping a workout and letting the wife do whatever she wants for an hour...
@gem4him When I was younger, probably middle-school-ish, I was the epitome of unathletic nerd. Top of the class academically, no interest in sports, health, fitness, etc. I had a gym teacher who doubled as the high school football coach, he took me aside one day and said that while I may someday accomplish great things with my mind, if I didnt take care of my physical health I might not be alive long enough to enjoy those things.

That clicked with me. Looking good naked, being able to accomplish phyisical tasks, those are great... but I don't want to die of something preventable in my 40s or 50s because I let myself become a lazy fatass.
@gem4him I have a badass reputation to uphold. It's an integrity thing.

Okay, half-kidding. My rep is more "weird" than "badass", but that's cool. Really, I just like having "gym rat" be part of my persona, and I like being in the gym. I like the sound of plates clanking together. I like the feel of holding something heavy in my hands. I like the mental focus that's almost zen-like.

Being strong and fit and maintaining bone density so that I can be a tough old lady someday are part of it, too.
@gem4him I'm terrified of growing old and living in a slowly decaying body. It'll happen eventually, but at least I can maximize the things I have power over that improve quality of life in old age.

That's pretty abstract though, which makes it hard to follow through on a day to day basis. That's why I got a coach and almost all my friends are in the same training groups; they help keep me motivated and accountable.
@dawn16 I volunteer as in EMT and the people that let themselves go health wise let themselves go mentally as well. When that starts they seem to just fade away and resign themselves to dying while watching TV.
@gem4him I, too, want to look good naked. I, too, want to set an example for my son. The third thing that keeps me going is the feeling of accomplishment whenever I do better or go farther than I ever have before. Aww man loooove that feeling!
@gem4him I want to look good naked AND in small sized clothing.

I want to set a good example for my kids and be able to keep up with them. I'm an "older" parent with my little kids and don't want people pitying them because their mom can't be actively involved.

On Facebook, I see that many of my classmates have totally let themselves go and, to be frank, they look like crap. I don't want people to think that about me (and I don't want to think that about myself).

Finally, I like shocking people when I tell them I've had 8 kids. Yes, it is possible to go through pregnancy many times and not have your body look like a train wreck.
@gem4him As a woman, I want to defy the status quo. I can lift heavy shit, run really far, climb ropes and do pull ups, and grapple with dudes (and chicks). I don't know a lot of other women in their 30's who can say that and back it up. I also want to inspire other women to do this. I'm tired of my friends, coworkers, and community members giving excuses for why they can't be healthy. If I can be the best I can and do it simply, maybe they can, too.