What motivates you to workout? [x-post from /r/fitness)

@gem4him Honestly when I gave up the ego of working out. I started focusing on how I felt when and after I worked out. I stopped trying to get big, or slim. I just worked out because I liked the alive feeling of moving and hurting and sweating. I stopped caring what "they" thought. I was able to enjoy the gym like a child enjoys a playground.
Also realized that in the mirror I'd never look like the picture I wanted in my head. Not because it wasn't possible, but because the picture would always change.
@gem4him If I don't, I can't sleep, my blood sugar control is lost ... but, truth be told, I really like looking like this. Oh yeah, I should add, my friends have started dying off from poor diet and lack of exercise.
@gem4him Physical fitness plays a lot into getting opportunities, and at 35 and stuck in the lower end of middle of management, I need whatever edge I can get. I also want to enjoy my life and not be one of those cardiac cases at 55 who are too wrecked to enjoy a good hike or a day of fly fishing in the mountains.
@gem4him I had a crippling back injury last year at the age of 35. Nerves were agitated and sending shooting, sharp pain through my lower back and pelvic region. I was useless to my 2 yr old daughter, miserable around home and work and was constantly focused on the pain. It was almost bad enough that I thought I would have to go on LTD at work. How did I get this injury? Nothing heroic or exciting just a result of spending most of my late twenties and early thirties in a very sedentary lifestyle. At the time of my injury I was 215 lbs and a size 39 waist. I'm 6'2. After 6 months of physio, massage therapy and chiro, the nerve damage healed and I was able to return to my old self. Since getting better I have not missed a day at the gym. I am now down to 200 lbs, size 34 and can run a 50 min. 10k. It's sad that it took this much of a wake up call to get me into a healthy lifestyle but I guess everybody needs different factors to motivate them. So what motivates me? The fear of ever returning to the state i was in for most of 2013.
@gem4him Of course, looking better naked is important--not gonna lie. Also, knowing that both of my parents died from things that eating properly and exercising could have easily prevented keeps me motivated. Perhaps most importantly, exercising regularly keeps my head from exploding.
@gem4him Want to look good naked is definitely high on the list but enjoying life in general too amd wanting to for a log time. I see people my own age overweight and/or unfit who cant walk properly or have to turn their whole body to look around, and having difficulty getting in and out of chairs. I dont want that.

I work out so everything I want to do is easy for me.