What percent of your income goes towards fitness?

@christian2011 1.5% - sports gym membership.
0% - another gym but I teach a couple classes so I get the faculties for free
Undetermined- sports equipment.

I’m more of a sports person so unless I need to replace equipment/ clothing, I don’t spend much.
@christian2011 Single, child-free, only dependent is my aging dog (which is where most of my money goes these days). I earn a comfortable living, where I am aware of where my money is going, have a flexible budget, but still splurge on some luxuries and fun items. One big thing for me is I don't go out to eat or get take out often...maybe once every 6-8 months.

My biggest splurge is personal training:

Weekly private Pilates reformer sessions which are 10 for $800.

Twice monthly PT sessions at a gym are 10 for $800.

I buy protein powder once a month for $55-65.00

New leggings/shoes/sports bras are once every 2-3 years for around $300/400.

Other than that I'm buying lots of quality produce and plant-based proteins.
@christian2011 I spend $220 for my gym membership, $120 for Pilates, and maybe $50 on vitamins and supplements. Altogether that works out to under 3% gross income. I should go back to PT which would be another $120/mo w insurance but it’s hard to find the time honestly.

I don’t include gym clothes because I already have a lot and don’t regularly buy them.
@christian2011 I’m not sure of the percentage as I’m a freelancer and my monthly income varies, but I spend a lot. I spend about 200€ on gym memberships and yoga classes etc, then a good amount (maybe 100 a month?) on pool and saunas and spas which feel somewhat related, probably 30€ a month on protein bars, and then I like to go on hiking trips to other countries. Once in a while I get a session with a personal trainer, but I feel like it’s hard to swing when I already spend so much on classes…
@christian2011 $30 for entry into a 5k; the gym I go to is an amenity at my apartment, so $0.00 until it’s time to move out; about $30.00 per month for weekend yoga passes ($10.00 per class). I have a lot of shoes already but get new workout gear occasionally so that’s hard to calculate. Overall, fairly modest in my opinion.
@christian2011 I’m just under 2% annually for gym membership, class pass, and MacroFactor.

For me, workout clothes and nutrition are part of other budget areas. It’s really interesting seeing what everyone’s looks like!
@christian2011 About 4%

At the moment, I'm paying two monthly subscriptions, one for my martial arts dojo ($60/month) and one for a family membership at the Y (me and 2 kids, discounted rate, $45). I'm not counting the one kid's swim lessons in this, which would add a lot. I spend some money on protein powder, but I'm not sure if I consider that part of my fitness spending, since it's more for overall health and diet purposes. I also jog, and should count the expensive hydration powder (Skratch) I use for that, but I've been cutting back lately.

I spend some money on clothes -- more on bras than on shoes. Getting back into my martial arts stuff, I'll need to shell out for some events, and that can add up fast (minimum $150-200 between travel costs and the event itself). Races cost money, too, but I only do local ones so far.

All in all, it's probably close to 4%. The dollar amount was a lot less when I was just jogging.
@fraufuchs ~4% for me too. One boutique fitness membership, one online monthly subscription, then random nutrition purchases. It'd be more in months that I need new running shoes, etc but on average. I probably should factor in gas since I work from home so my driving to the gym is more than I would without it, but that's a very little amount each month, maybe 1% more.
@christian2011 i now pay gym membership (protein drinks are included in this and i dont buy other supplements) which is about percent (my income fluctuates as i am self employed) and once in about 2 months i buy a tshirt or leggings (i got shoes as a present but lets say ill buy a pair once a year) that makes all about 4-5 per cent
@christian2011 Monthly its about 5% for me, the breakdown is something like this:
- Gym membership: 30%
- Horseback riding lessons:60%
- Food/The random replacement of a sports bra:10%

Im lucky that I don't have to pay for my physical therapy for my knee out of pocket as it's covered by insurance, but if it wasn't, the total price would jump much higher
@christian2011 I'm a student working part time and with an allowance, so my monthly take home fluctuates. I get around 1.5k in my currency a month, but I earn double or triple that during my semester breaks

gym - 15/entry or 135/month
protein - not a regular taker but my 5kg pack has been lasting me forever. Maybe 150-200 once or twice a year at this rate
classpass - tennis and guided workouts, 120/month. Tennis is more for the skills than the exercise aspect, but I'll just count it in

taekwondo lessons - RM15/class, I rarely go but plan to start again
eating healthy-ish - no idea how to estimate
workout clothes are far and few between, but I get like an item of clothing every 6 months I guess? maybe 30-50 range

I'm still not the most consistent with working out, so the gym is probably only once or twice a week entries now. at my most efficient, I guess I'd have a gym membership, go for taekwondo classes twice a month and go for classpass, which would be 135 + 30 + 120 which would be a whopping 19% 😮 If I ever truly got that efficient I'd start splitting my time between my bare ones uni gym and cancel classpass some months probably :p
@christian2011 A lot. Much more than other posts here - but it is my passion and I love it. My partner and I do it together, it's a huge community thing for us as well and so I am happy to spend the money we do on it.
@christian2011 Not much. My employer compensates my gym membership, all my sports clothes are like €30 in total (and I haven't bought new ones for ages), knee sleeves were €12, grips €6, chalk is ~€8 a year, protein powder I usually receive as a birthday/Christmas present, creatine is not that expensive... But yeah, protein and creatine are the most expensive things. But I'd say it's still quite a small proportion of my income.
@christian2011 I'm a full time student so my income is around ~£600. I spend around 20% of my income on fitness since it's something I enjoy and that is good for my physical and mental wellbeing. 5% for gym (£30), and the rest (15%ish) goes towards workout clothes, running shoes, protein powder/creatine, etc. I usually save up to buy whatever I need/want :)
@christian2011 Zero. I don’t like to workout at a gym, everything I’d want to learn can find online. I have all the sports bras, leggings and jackets I’d need. I could use a couple sneakers maybe. Still very little if anything.