What percent of your income goes towards fitness?

@christian2011 My gym subscription is 27ish bucks a month, and that's my only regular expense. And thank god because my income, as student, is about ~500 a month. So my subscription is just 5% of my income. Living with my parents while I get my graduate degree so I don't have to think about utility or rent expenses for a bit.

I'll have an equipment/clothes/shoes purchase every now and then if I need to but that's never higher than ~75 a month. In a month where I shop, my total fitness-related expense would be around 20% of my income.
@christian2011 About 12-15% of my monthly income I think - 7% on my personal trainer/fitness coach… 4% on monthly yoga pass… 3% on reformer Pilates classes… and then a little extra on protein bars/powder, any new workout clothes, anything I need that month. Quite expensive too! But I’m also in my early 30s with no other commitments and being my best & healthiest self is of huge importance to me right now, so it’s where I’m happy to prioritise at this current stage in my life.
@christian2011 Swimming lesson 1xweek 3.3%

Zwift 0.6% (only in winter)

Macrofactor 0.6%

Gym 0.6% (yearly divided by months)

Clothing and running shoes about 2%(added up last year purchases and divided by 12)

Equipment(last year bought: bike trainer, cross country skis, wetsuit, swim equipment, updated snowboarding setup, sunglasses, running vest) 4.12% it should be a lot less this year

Race entrances 1.6% (yearly divided by months)

Nutrition 1%

I don't count a snowboarding trip into fitness expenses, it's entertainment.

Uhhh 18.2% all together, but I am doing my first half ironman this year so...
@jvmyka Thankfully I had a bike and clothes ect before, I had enough to start training in all the three diciplines, but still you'll wear down things and want to upgrade things. I couldn't imagine needing to buy everything at once
@christian2011 I would say a solid 10%-ish for my gym membership and weekly personal trainer session. All other 'nonsense' like clothes or bike equipment probably add up to... idk... another 5% monthly.

I bought an apartment, though, so I am currently re-evaluating what budget I can still spend on it. Considering dropping down to bi-weekly personal training and a different gym membership closer to the new place.

It's a lot of money, but the PT is a great investment in myself.
@christian2011 I work out at home and walk my dog.

Equipment: Two years ago I got some used weights on fb marketplace for €25. I also got a used elliptical for €200. Last month though I bought some powerblocks for €150.

Membership: I signed up for the fitness blender membership so that was like €60/year

Apparel: I wear old workout clothes since I’m at home but I did get new trainers last year for about €100.

Food: I might spend €300/year on protein bars but I can’t get the ones I like in Europe so this expenditure isn’t settled, depends if I go back to the US or not.

As a percent of my income, it’s not a reasonable measure, but I would say maybe €500/year with some years more and others less.
@christian2011 Around 2.5% of my total income. I only pay for my gym membership which is massively discounted as I work for local government. Also included are adult swimming lessons which are also discounted as I use the swim teachers at my gym! I’ve signed up for a few races which are all my first so I don’t know if I can include the cost in my total percentages. For now I didn’t but next year I would.

I have one-off costs such as running shoes which I got my first “proper” pairs 3 weeks ago! Cost me around £200 together. I have so much gym clothing I don’t anticipate buying/replacing anything within the year as a lot is still in packaging etc.
@christian2011 Around 1.3% for gym membership.
I buy creatine maybe 1-2 times a year which the price has skyrocketed to around $70-$80 for the biggest tub. And I buy pre-workout when it runs out so also 1-2 times a year at around $50-$60. So maybe
@christian2011 Running shoes 1-2 x year, so maybe 100-250 if it's a higher-mileage year. Gym costs range depending on whether I'm in school, but never more than 30/month or 360/year.

Overall, even with both lifting and running, and with a pretty low income, I'm still looking at a negligible amount compared to any other expense in my life.
@christian2011 Various boutique studio & yoga memberships/credits: ~6%
Physio/massage after insurance: ~1%
Supplements: ~1.5%
Gym membership: included in my maintenance fees so I didn’t include it, but let’s estimate about 2%

These are monthly averages, but that boutique number is probably gonna drop once I finish up some credits at this one place I go to.
@christian2011 Probably about 10%. But that’s because I have expensive fitness hobbies (MTB and snowboarding).

Actual traditional working out cost is pretty minimal. I have a squat rack and barbell that cost me $1000 but I’ve had for 5+ years and don’t plan on replacing any time soon. And I run outside. So 1-2 pairs of shoes per year.
@christian2011 Around AUD 170 - of which 80 is my gym membership and rest are protein powder, supplements and any misc equipment I need.

Edit: I don’t mind this coz spending this for fitness and the time I invest in this keeps me away from
Partying, too much socialising, drinking , eating out, shopping excessively etc . I end up doing that when I’m not working out and spend wayyyy more so I might as well spend on fitness and do better.
@christian2011 My husband and I spend combined $56/month ($28/person) for a gym membership that let's us join multiple gym chains in our area. We spend maybe around $1000/winter on skiing/snowboarding. Maybe a combined $100 or so on workout shoes (could be more some years.). If I had to guess maybe about another $100-200 combined a year on miscellaneous fitness equipment/clothes/fitness admission costs etc. Outside of this, we don't really spend a large amount of money on fitness outside skiing. If you count buying a VR headset with fitness games on it, then that would be like another $600 last yr for the headset and like $45 for fitness related games we own. If you count healthcare costs related to sports related injuries then our spending is much higher as I've done lots of PT the past couple years for some sports injuries and seen lots of Dr's. I had medicaid last year so those cost me very little, but now I've probably spent like $1500 this year already on healthcare costs for sports injuries (chronic injuries.)