What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

@pankaj0008 Oh man, I fight this demon a lot. 1) I shouldn't be drinking energy drinks at all. 2) They're almost double what the convenience store literally across the street charges, but it's right there and it takes debit cards.
@mauddib I had the sorest, tightest hamstrings ever until a trainer told me that I might be completely neglecting my hip flexors and that’s actually causing the tight hamstrings. I now stretch my hip flexors before & after my work outs (I work out roughly 6 days a week, usually, various classes) and the last two weeks of hip flexor care, my hamstrings aren’t tight and painful! So don’t forget to stretch your hip flexors when working hamstrings.
@dolphins19923 Yup. I feel like abs are the only muscle where the exercises start hurting, but you have to do them anyway. With bench pressing, my arms are worn out before they hurt, and I just can't do another rep. But abs, you can keep crunching/leg raising/hollow holding/whatever, and it's just shaky and hurty and awful.
@dolphins19923 I stopped specifically training abs a few months ago, and I actually like how my midsection looks now! I still incorporate a LOT of core work through boxing, but my waist finally is feeling narrower. My abs and obliques were sort of bulky for a while. Strong AF, but not aesthetically where I wanted them to be.