What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

@brianhex I hog the true stretch (jungle gym looking thing with different stretching options), I do a few minutes of yoga/stretching before/after I lift. Most people I see use it for like one or two stretches, but I can spend like 15+ min stretching on it, if no one's waiting

I don't eat enough protein, I'm working on this tho. I'm a barista and sometimes feel like half my diet is bagels at work, and I don't really like spreads on bagels so it's basically a pile of warm carbs
@brianhex I skip volume and accessory work sometimes. If I'm not feeling up to lifting, I go do my main work sets and skip some or all of the rest of the workout.
Checking my phone in between sets.

I think this is one of the silliest things people complain about. There's no difference between someone using their phone during the rest versus staring at the TVs or something. I get it if someone's hogging equipment and screwing around for way longer than a normal rest period but otherwise, whatever.

Plus a lot of us use workout tracker apps or even just the timer on the phone.
@brianhex I hate Squats. Hate them. So I don’t do them. And when I do, I do it on the smith machine. This goes directly against my goal of being able to carry my husband on my back.

I am trash.
@brianhex I actually posted about this here awhile ago to get some feedback, so I no longer feel like this is a "should" for me personally, but I don't stick to a routine. Like at all. It's like the second I tell myself "I need to do this upper body routine twice per week," guess what I don't want to do? Yeah, that.

So I've been following whatever I feel like as my "routine" and I think it's going pretty well. This week I did a kettlebell circuit Monday, lower body lifting on Tuesday, upper body lifting Wednesday, and a Barre class on Thursday. Planning on doing another kettlebell routine this weekend.
@brianhex I don't follow programs.

I know my shit well enough, perhaps sometimes I do things a bit suboptimally, but I know what works for me. I have books with running plans in them but I never follow them. I've learned plenty from past coaches and that information has proven itself effective enough.
@akashraletta I have hyperflexibility so I can put my palms on the ground without bending my knees, but it is just as useless and stupid as not being flexible. It comes with all this rehab I should be doing to help protect my joints and keep them from popping out of the sockets but I don’t do that like I should either
@arpaxad That’s not really the same kind of thing as just being regularly flexible though. Your problem comes with it’s own host of issues. I would have many less issues with pain, my back problems, etc. if I would just stretch more.
@akashraletta Stretching is imperative as you age. I can't stress enough how much daily stretching combined with 1,200 mg of omega 3's keep me from developing overuse injuries and succumbing to aches and pains.