What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

@wordsabre I was the exact same with push ups, I bought myself wrist wraps and they help massively. I broke and bent the bone years ago and any weight on it at a 90 degree angle is pain. I can do up to 30 knee push ups before it hurts and 15 full ones. Also helps with shoulder presses if you have any issues with them.
@wordsabre Other thing you might want to try is using pushup handles (or hexagonal ended dumbbells if your gym doesn't have the handles, just put them on the floor and use them like handles). It saves your wrists from being in that weighted, flexed, painful position. I have a ganglion that I don't want to take time off to fix, and pushups were the number one thing that irritated it until I switched to handles to keep my wrists straight.
@brianhex I always get in the mindset of feeling too bulky in my upper body. Lower body I’m totally fine with popping quads and defined calves. Baby biceps and triceps make me proud and I love having upper body strength. But then there’s this point where a switch is flipped and I’m like “oh my god how did I get this big!?!?” Objectively, I know that I’m not “too big” but I can’t seem to get my heart to understand that and instead want to do five days of cardio and no lifts.
@brianhex Ignoring my training program and just doing kettlebell swings when I'm feeling lazy. I don't wanna run round the gym waiting for equipment to be free. I want to grab a kettlebell and hide in the little side room where the aircon works and listen to my podcasts while I swing.
@dawn16 I learnt the kettlebell exercises I do by attending the kettlebell class at my gym as well as having a previous personal trainer who liked to use them too. Sorry, I don't use a particular site.
@brianhex I started running everyday. I always felt awful on and after my rest day(s) so now I do an easy run instead. I’m gonna get a ton of “I told you so’s” when I get injured, but I feel so much better now. I am trying to keep my slow days slow though.
@jonhodge Static stretching is kind of pointless but foam rolling is so good for you! Even just 1-2 minutes at a time!

Coming from the girl who owns 4 types of foam rollers and uses one every other day for 30 seconds 😂
@brianhex I'm guilty of thinking that women who lift heavier than I do are secretly looking at the weight I'm lifting and laughing / judging me.

Absolute rubbish of course, they care as much about what I'm lifting as I care about what others are lifting.
@acer621 I don't judge the guy, but it makes me feel better about myself since it means I'm getting stronger than maybe the average guy.

Edit: i read OP as a male. [I'm female]. The only time I judge other eomen is when they're dressing clearly for attention and do 5lbs on their weights.
@acer621 I had this wonderful awakening just last night. I saw this women who is quite heavy - on the road to achieving a healthy weight for her size - and she was just crushing bench press. She and I ended up talking and I walked away having so much respect for her and also seeing her as a role model. She thought I was fit, but honestly, the numbers she could bang out are MY goals. It was a reminder that appearance means nothing and that we each have our own strengths and weaknesses.
@acer621 I never worry about other women who lift heavier. I figure they get the grind. I do get self conscious around some of the dudes though. When I see obvious newbies who can already bench more part of me thinks they're like "is that a toddler in an adult woman's sized body?"