What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

@acer621 I'm trying to get past talking with other powerlifters and being ashamed to say my numbers because I feel like they're small. It's so dumb because no one has been anything but supportive, but I have this deep seated fear that they're going to go "That's it?! I could lift that in my sleep!" and then laugh.
@dawn16 I'm on your side here, hoverers are the worst. I never have problems with people who ask to work in or ask how many sets I have left but the people who just awkwardly hover too close like they're going to pressure me to get done faster? Watch my rest periods double fucker.
@dawn16 Ha! Same. If someone steps on my platform even when I’m resting, I get my hackles up. It’s totally fine of them to do and I’m an asshole, but I think I’m still jaded from working out at a gym where people would set up behind you on the platform without even asking you while you’re in the middle of a set.
@kjeldsen13 STORY OF MY LIFE.

The other day my husband was asking me some "would you rather" questions. One was "would you rather be able to eat whatever you want and not gain weight or (something else.)"

I realized that I'd rather be able to eat whatever I want without gaining weight than LITERALLY ALMOST ANYTHING.
@kjeldsen13 Food I do fine with, but my drink of choice is beer. I should just not drink, or at least stick to vodka or something but, come on, have you ever tasted a perfect west coast IPA? How can I not?!
@sandoftheearth Dude you absolutely can. I ran 70 miles last week + lifted once. There were three running workouts packed into those 70 miles. And I'm fuckin fit, y'all.

Ain't no bros ever gonna tell me this is impossible. It just takes a lot of running. "You can't outrun your fork, it's all about what you do in the kitchen." WELL IDK ABOUT YOU BUT I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY FORKS OUT THERE THROWING DOWN 70 MILE WEEKS PLEASE AND THANK YOU, SIR.

Admittedly I don't have a six pack, but that's because I had one before and constantly felt miserable and like death, and my running times suffered. I have some ab-y outlines and that works fine for me. I eat extra butter and ice cream as a contingency plan to ensure that I never go full six pack again.

@shawntavia That's it. Next week will be 60 miles (as long as my blistered heel heals up) and then I'm going for a giant bubble-waffle vegan ice-cream sundae.

No bootcamp next week, so I think it's doable. And I don't get to skip all the speed sessions either.

70 miles would be overdoing it for me right now.
@sandoftheearth I was totally managing that last year! Then I got injured and gained a dress size and a half. So it can be done...you just have to make sure to stay injury free...

(now I'm on a mission to elliptical and swim my way away from the bad diet...)
@kigongo Same here! I have a mostly clean vegan diet with lots of vegetables but I really love food and cooking and trying anything new that I find. I also work in an area with so much good food available for lunch it would be a shame not to take advantage sometimes.

It's so easy to think, oh I can have seconds because there are pretty much no calories in vegetables and I should probably eat more of the tofu too because I need the protein, and besides, I'll run 15 miles tomorrow.