When I exercise, I don’t lose weight. But when I stop exercising and just eat less, I lose weight


New member
(My height is 4’10 so I don’t have many calories to work with)

I lost 30 lbs last year and finally got skinny. I did this all without working out at all. I just ate less and overtime became thin and everyone noticed. I felt great and felt really confident. I’ve gained about 10 lbs back since then and I’ve been working out/strength training

(First of all I’d like to say of course I know that muscle counts as weight on the scale too, not just fat. So I’m not super fixated on the scale number but more so just judge my progress just by looking at myself and visibly being able to see if I’ve gained or lost body fat. But I’m using the scale weight as a reference)

I really want to lose the 10 lbs again but I’ve noticed that when I exercise, it just makes it even harder. When I exercise, it makes me hungrier. Then I eat more even though I try to fight it. Plus, I have to track my protein so my strength training doesn’t go to waste.

But I’ve noticed it’s sooo much easier for me to get skinny if I just don’t exercise, and just don’t really think about food too much. When I think too much about food, it makes me hungry. But if I just go about my day without thinking about it, I’m able to eat lightly and feel comfortable.

It’s literally so much easier for me to get skinny and lose weight when I don’t try to eat healthy either. Just eating random little things like cereal, granola, coffee, etc. and I genuinely feel better that way too. When I try to eat healthy, all it does is the opposite. I feel worse and I don’t lose weight. Cause I have to think about eating more, the food is isn’t fun so it turn it gives me even stronger food cravings, I have more “food noise” and I swear I literally just don’t lose weight.

Even this month, I got so busy I didn’t exercise for 2 whole weeks. My stomach got so flat- I was like finally I’m losing the weight. But this week I’ve been trying to work out again and eat enough protein (but am still in a calorie deficit) and all of a sudden there’s more belly fat on me again :/

I don’t really want to quit working out temporarily because it is a part of my identity. I enjoy doing it and I’m known as the “gym girl”. And yes ideally I’d want to eat healthy but every time I tried it would backfire on me. When I exercise and try to eat healthy, I don’t lose weight. But when I don’t exercise and don’t pay attention to what I’m eating, the food noise goes away and then I lose weight and get skinny

Update: another thing, whenever I work out I’m either a) sooo hungry and I eat more than I would otherwise or b) the times that I’m not even hungry, then I still have to force myself to eat just so I can hit my protein goals for the day so my workout isn’t for nothing

It’s so annoying cause I really wouldn’t mind just being a skinny, “almond girl” who just does Pilates and yoga or something instead of being a lifting “gym rat” but the problem is I want a bigger butt 😩

Has anyone else experienced this?
@woollybear There's no way you're gaining belly fat so quickly. Maybe it's bloating from water retention. You retain a lot of water when lifting weights. I think you just need to evaluate what your fitness goals are. If you want to lose weight you need to eat in a deficit, if you don't want to lose muscle you need to track your protein as well as calories. Diet dictates weight loss, the gym dictates what kind of weight you lose. If you don't like the process of building muscle just focus on doing cardio at the gym.
@woollybear You'll lose body fat if you eat in a deficit, get your steps, and get maybe 60-90 minutes of additional cardio a week. To maintain your muscle you'll need to meet your protein goal and continue your progressive overload weight training. You should feel hungry in a deficit but not like starving. Try that for 8 weeks and see what happens.
@woollybear Yes! You are not alone. I don't care what the science says or what the studies show - I have your exact experience and it is legitimate. Super easy gentle exercise and just moving around in my day, coupled with food freedom is the answer for me. When I was gym rat and eating clean, counting macros, etc, I was 15 lb heavier. I stay lean doing mat work twice a week 30 mn and going on easy walks. I eat pretty good but plenty of sugary fun, too.
@seraphim Exactly this! Every time I start becoming a “gym rat” again then I literally just can’t lose weight ☠️☠️. But when I’m just existing and eating like a dainty little bird then I look sooo good and thin.

as much as I love being a “gym rat” maybe I’ll just go for being one of those “almond girls” instead lol
@woollybear You must be quite young, because there is more to life than looks. Resistance training is very important to keep muscle mass as you age, as well as for metabolic health and bone density. How many times a week were you lifting weights? 2-3 times a week would be enough for health purposes and would be unlikely to skyrocket your hunger levels.
@seraphim Definitely ! If you keep your daily steps between 10 000 & 20 000, you will stay very naturally lean. Make sure you get good protein and sleep (I use myfitnesspal to track my nutrients .. I don’t bother with calories anymore, just focus on nutrient-dense food as petites often have to eat lower fat or lower carb)
@woollybear Ladies! We need to focus on our body composition over weight. Lean muscle mass is heavier than fat but takes up way less surface area. Strength training to build lean muscle is the key. Otherwise, you’re accidentally becoming “skinny fat” and creating a metabolic hole for yourself long term.
@ngocvncom Can confirm. I look better and fit in smaller clothes lifting heavy while in the 125-128 lbs range compared to little to no exercise in the 115-120lbs range.
@ngocvncom Do you know if Pilates is good for maintaining muscle if I were to also eat more than enough protein? I have social anxiety so I prefer not to go to gyms for the moment.
@susannahlily I absolutely love Pilates. I do that plus walking and weight lifting and my body is happier for it. Pilates works the small muscles and abs plus it’s great for stability and posture.
@fruty It’s so annoying cause I really wouldn’t mind just being a skinny, “almond girl” who just does Pilates and yoga instead of being a lifting “gym rat” but the problem is I want a bigger butt 😩