Where Do I Even Start?

Hello r/PetiteFitness friends! I’m extremely new to the community. I’m looking for help, guidance, and maybe (a little?) helpful support from the community on my weight loss/fitness journey.

Height: 4ft 11in (149cm)
Starting Weight: 216lbs (97kg).
Goal Weight: 120lbs (54kg)
BMI: 43 🥲

Where on Earth do I even start? I’m completely unhappy with my weight and how I feel. I’ve tried going to the gym, giving up caffeine, drinking lots of water, intermittent fasting, and eating healthier. I always lose my momentum and don’t stick with my weight loss plan. Is there anyone with good advice or helpful tips to get me going and sticking with it??
@_youngboolingbhris_ I honestly can’t remember where I read this, but it’s really good advice for anyone struggling to get started: pick one diet focused habit and one fitness focused habit and work on them for an entire month.

So maybe to start you plan to swap out all but one beverage a day with water. Or you want to have at least 20 grams of protein at breakfast. Then you’d pick a fitness one. Maybe it’s a daily step goal, or to do a workout video 2x week. Start small, and really throw yourself into just those two habits. Once you’ve done that for a month, pick two new ones to tack on. It makes a snowball effect that adds up over time without being overwhelming.
@newcombe2 Couldn’t agree more with your suggestions. Start small. Trying to fit 4 workout sessions in per week, eating X amount of calories, etc will only bring you down if you aren’t able to accomplish them. Walking, even just for a 10-15 minute walk a few times a day will allow your body to slowly adjust to new things. If that makes sense.. lol
@_youngboolingbhris_ Go to the web, Google TDEE calculator and enter in your info. Probably best to say “sedentary” for your activity level. Then it will tell you how many calories you need to sustain yourself on a daily basis. That’s your TDEE. Then look at the Cutting tab or section of the calculator. It will tell you how many calories you need to eat each day to lose weight consistently. A 500-calorie deficit is doable for most people. Some go as high as -750 or even -1000 calories but -500 is a good moderate weight loss. About 1 pound a week.

Finally, get a good weight scale AND a food scale. Both are really cheap on Amazon. And download a free tracking app. I like Loseit but there are many out there. Go to the goals section and put in your current weight, your target weight, and the rate you want to lose your weight to get to your goal. If you pick 1 pound a week it should give you a calorie budget close to your TDEE -500 calories.

Once you set up your tracking app, start tracking every bite you eat. Sauces, beverages, condiments, alllll count just as much as you main food items do. Use your food scale to weigh portions correctly. Use tablespoons and measuring cups to measure out other things. Be honest and consistent. Tracking will get faster and more of a habit over time. If you eat -500 calories a day under your TDEE you’ll lose weight steadily. If you mess up and eat too much one day just go back to tracking and staying within your budget the next day. Take it one day at a time and be consistent.

You can workout if you want to but getting your calories right is your main tool to lose weight. Try walking 30 mins a day. You can also add weight training to increase muscle which increases your metabolism when/if you are ready. See r/CICO for inspiration and advice. Also r/Loseit. That’s it! Millions have done it and so can you! Lots of great support on these subs.

EDIT: Forgot to say I’m 5’1” and have lost 20+ pounds after starting this same approach in late February. I’ll reach my goal in another couple of months or less then will continue to track while I’m in maintenance to make sure I stay within my budget. Small price to pay to be at a healthy weight for me.