Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

@savedsue Not a show/doc but ā€œthe driveā€ podcast. It is fitness and nutrition related but focuses on how that impacts longevity/your health throughout the rest of your life.
@savedsue My motivation comes having a senior dog that is heavy because of thyroid problems. He's a Rottweiler that weights 130lbs. So whenever I'm doing heavy weight I think to myself I have to get stronger if there's ever an earthquake or zombies come back from the dead (silly I know). I'm 5'4 and my weight is 140 lol

So I can carry him or drag him along with me.
@savedsue For me it was YouTube video of an autopsy of a dead woman who was obese. Seeing all that fat- adipose tissue- turned me off of cheese and butter for a good while and junk in general.
@snowtiger86 I saw that documentary and that lives renr free in my head.I think of all the obese patients I've worked with and the list of complications/current issues in their medical chart. I want to live, not die slowly.
@savedsue Kind of random, but it was ā€œLockupā€ for me (a documentary show about American prisons.) They did an episode about prisonersā€™ fitness routines, and it was incredible how fit they stayed and how disciplined they were with their workout routines using minimal or no equipment. It blew away my excuses for not working out (donā€™t have the right equipment, donā€™t have time to make it to the gym etc.) and made me feel like if someone living in a cell could put in the effort, I could too.
Along these lines, i like the "urban gym" people on youtube. They do pull ups from a bus stops and use playgrounds for fitness. You can just run around and interact with your environment. It's not like moving your body is just for people who can afford fancy gym memberships.
Same! I find it really inspiring to see people working out with whatever is in their environment. Anything can be gym equipment if you're creative.
@savedsue Not quite the same, but a few weeks ago I started playing PokƩmon Go and it's made a huge difference in my fitness. I make time to go on walks twice a day now! I had hit a plateau in my weight loss but I started walking another 5000+ steps a day and the weight came off again. It also means I get to skip cardio day at the gym and sleep in an extra morning.
@kgotlaor I came here to suggest this. I love video games but I was also at a place with my weight and fitness where I was really unhappy (overweight, ate like a trash can, worked crazy hours). I started changing my diet and exercise, I had always been very active but now itā€™s more focused and I actually get results.

I started playing PokĆ©mon go in July 2016 and Iā€™ve logged just under 6000 km. They have a new daily incentive for 15 minutes of walking and other incentives that encourage you to get out (eggs, best buddies, community events, exploring). Itā€™s really helped me maintain my step goal for 8-10k daily as a SAHM. In contrast WoW had me sitting on my ass for hours when I raided. I still like to play that too but with less time consuming content and only after the work outs are finished.
@roseofsharon38 Yay!!! I've heard that exercising multiple times a day instead of one intense workout is better for your metabolism. Now I do a workout most days plus 2 walks. I used to think my fitbit was unreliable because it rarely said I hit my tdee but now I hit my tdee in the mid evening.

I've been playing for just over two weeks and I've already walked 100km!
@savedsue It's fun starting over! I'm playing with my boyfriend so we help each other and go on walks together. A little more fun and less frightening than a "you're gonna die if you dont start running" documentary šŸ˜…