Who are your favorite people - genuinely - in CrossFit?

@slickk77 I’m partial to the pals that also show up rubbing their eyes at 5am and we make self deprecating jokes and bitch at our coach if they WOD makes us do too much math in our heads.
@rtrcam Fun story about Shane, In one of the earlier fittest docs he made a joke about trying to get more followers than Tia, saying he was doing follow for follow etc. About two years ago I commented on one of his posts asking how he would address the big scandal surrounding him going into the games. He was confused and asked me what scandal. I said was just giving him shit about not following people back, and obviously getting too big time to remember his roots.

Fast forward 2 years later and he still sees my dumb instagram stories daily about walking my dog, coaching tennis, sunsets in rural PA, and terrible home gym crossfit.

Say what you want but he's a man of his word.
@abidein Same. Any time I see those posts we get around here sometimes about gym horror stories, I feel extreme gratitude for landing in a great space on my first try. My gym's coaches range from good to amazing, and I feel like every single one of them has an understanding of my strengths and weaknesses, and I'm just one dude out of hundreds of members.
@dawn16 For sure. I definitely hit the jackpot with my gym. Super attentive coaches. A lot of thought going into programming. Giant air conditioned gym with tons of quality equipment.
@slickk77 Kristi Eramo O’Connell and Tia are absolutely fantastic on the men’s side I’m a bit of BKG fan boy and Justin Mederios is becoming a favorite too
@slickk77 I really liked Kevin Ogar. I still do but I had added him on Facebook years ago and we had banter back and forth even though I would never be professional with crossfit.

The fact that he has continued to persevere is nothing short of inspirational.
@slickk77 Fikowski, 2012-2016 games & regional events, Max El-Hag, Vellner, Bridges in behind the scenes, Ohlsen more in recent years.

I've liked Fraser and Medeiros less and less this year. I think it's that the Buttery Bros' fake personalities really bother me (I like non-buttery bros Marston and Heber a lot) and the more they associate with Medeiros and Fraser the more I subconsciously dislike them due to osmosis. Also I can't listen to Mat cut-off and one-up everyone on the Sevan/Josh podcast anymore. But enough negativity...
@65787577 Yes! Fraser’s constant interruptions are on my last nerve. That podcast has made me also see that he’s a little socially awkward and was very sheltered as a youth.
@dawn16 I met someone like him and seing this vocalized by you makes me a lot more attentative to it, both for the guy I met and Mat. Constantly cutting of and talking loud with boring stories and no ability to actually connect with the people in the conversation.