Why am I still overweight even though I consume 1000 fewer calories daily?

@dancibutterfly Get yourself an diet app, write up everything you eat and start counting calories!

I did that for about month and now I have a very good idea of what I can and should eat. I was always skinny so I adjusted my intake and voilà, now I am 25lbs heavier with the majority of the weight being musclemass
@dancibutterfly If you really don't move much, your body is adapted to it and don't spend calories like a "normal" body would. Add physical activity, just walking for one or 2 hour a day is a very good start
@raybo Any body, regardless from activity levels, spends quite a bit on keeping said body breathing, blood flowing, internal organs working. There is no need to exercise at all to spend 1200-1600 kcal per day depending on the body by just being alive.

Activity levels are only accountable for small amounts of calories spent vs basic metabolism requirements. It is irrelevant how much or how little he moves. His count is simply inaccurate, that's all.
@dancibutterfly youre not allowing your body to enter ketogenesis. also, no i dont mean keto as in the keto diet i mean ketogensis the metabolic pathway. ketogenesis the metabolic pathway is activated when there is 0 food entering your body. Yes, it can also be triggered via consuming an extremely high fatty diet but Fasting also triggers ketogenesis, faster and more efficient anyways.

You're not losing weight now because your metabolism is lower than 1000 calories. you can either increase your physical activity which increases your metabolism past 1000 calories. Or you can fast to allow your body to enter fatty oxidation of your excess fat storage. you can also fast and increase your physical activity.

I lost 90 lbs in 1 year via cardio and fasting. My routine was fasting for 18 hours a day, small oatmeal before gym, go to gym and perform 90 minutes of zone 2 cardio, return home and have a single meal.

my routine made use of ketosis, allowing my body burn away the glycogen in my blood while i fasted 18 hours. eating before gym gave me a bit of energy to exercise from my energy depleted state. immediately after my meal i would ride by bike 30 minutes to the gym, 90 minutes of zone 2 cardio, then 30 minutes cycling back. the meal i had before the gym was burned away from 150 minutes of cardio AND my insulin instead of spiking and crashing, it would slowly burn away meaning i wouldnt be feeling peckish because of a resulting insulin crash.

have you ever eaten a huge meal gotten full, yet you catch a glimpse of desert and suddenly you dont feel full anymore? yea, that is not just a feeling it is physiologically detectable. Your body anticipates a new SWEET tasty meal by sight alone and your body releases a surge of insulin and other hormones in anticipation of this new food. so my meal was both burned away from my cardio, and my insulin was returned to normal, meaning i wasnt insulin craving foods.

the 150 minutes of cardio both burned the meal i ate AND zone 2 cardio is slow enough where the body selectively chooses to conserve your precious glycogen and instead oxidize your fatty storage. if you just start sprinting for cardio, your body will burn through cardio and completely block the oxidation of your fatty storage.


your basal metabolic rate is higher than your calorie intake. continue eating the same amount while increasing your physical activity to increase your basal metabolism.
@dancibutterfly 1500 calories is really low, you should go to 1800 calories. If you really eat and drink only 1500 calories is possible that you metabolism to get in the starvation zone and protect the fat. If not you should eat: Zero sugar, zero white carbs, zero sweet, zero sugar or non sweet fizzy drinks - just plain water. You need to increase the protein intake - white lean meat - and veggies intake. Replace meet with legumes one meal per day and yes, ideally you should go out for a walk at least one hour every day. Zero snack - nothing between meals just black coffee, tea or plain water. As you work from home eat at each hour every day with 5-8 hours between meals. The last meal ideally no later than 0700pm and go for a walk. If you are hungry and crave eat water. You can also add ONLY one fruit at the end of each meal - apple ideally - to help you reduce the sugar crave. But ONLY one fruit.

P.S. Or fi you can afford go to a nutritional and diabetes doctor in order to get a proper advice from a specialist.
@dancibutterfly Yeah the best thing for losing weight is diet and excercise. Cutting calories might be ok for a short terms immediate result if you’re going to the beach or something, but really prolonged cutting puts your body in starvation mode, your body will do it’s best to use less calories and conserve fat.
Excercise is really key. Walking is great if that’s all you can do, but it’s also a slow process. An hour a day walking is healthful and should be added to every day regardless, but a quick 30-45 minutes high intensity excercise with diet and some 30 minutes walking will get good results.
Just cutting calorie is also not as important as type of calories your eating. If you’re cutting calories but still eating junk it’s not good. Eating junk in general is not good.
Think how big you want your stomach to be, I like to consider it to fists side by side, and I try not to eat more than that volume per meal, I have a bowl the perfect size for it. I also never count calories like that, often it’s deceptive, if you’re not a nutritionist it’s hard to really know because even if something states it’s x amount of calories the way your body processes those calories is different for everyone.
Take gluten for example: flour, noodles bread. If I eat my diet mostly gluten items I’m going to gain weight no matter if it’s not a lot of calories. Then take protein, chicken, meat, fish if I eat more calories of pure protein my body processes it more efficiently, and I lose weight even if I’m eaten higher calories
Losing weight is a process, generally the longer it takes you the healthier it is and the longer it stays off
@padib Ha. Starvation mode is nonsense. You’re not going to hit it unless your body has run out of fat to burn through.

Losing weight happens in the kitchen. Being fit happens in the gym.
@padib Starvation mode is not real and "clean eating" does not matter, i could eat 1500 calories of things ppl would consider "junk" and "processed" and still lose weight, because I am still in a deficit. I know, because I did do that. Sure, I held on to more water weight, but it produced amazing and real results. The water weight will come and go. I have an ED and am addicted to junk. Clean eating would have been more detrimental because of how unrealistic it is to stick to, for people like me.
@dancibutterfly how long are you in a caloric deficit? if you are actually in caloric deficit you should at least see weights down in 2 weeks. if there is no progress then youre not actually in caloric deficit, review your caloric intake and measure the food weight if needed.

including walk for hour will also really help, i'm pretty much in same condition as yours last year and lost 15 kgs by just caloric deficit and walking daily for 5000-7000 steps.
As im reading comments i need to mention that i use Calories Calculator app. But there is a question. Is there a difference between a bottle of Pepsi and for example fruit with the same calories? For example banana have 200 calories and Pepsi have the same